
Encounter Conditions
Only when not etheric
Initial Text
A few dock workers sit around, chatting and slurping down coffee. When you come by, they seem to be trading fishing tales interrupted randomly by arm wrestling contests.
Summary of Choices
- Arm wrestle - Gain 3 XP of Strength or Will; triggers Cool Coin
- Join the chat - Get an old fishing pole or a cup of Joe
- Ask about Third Eye crates (only if part of Waterfront Struggles)
- Pass the thermos - (only if you have a thermos of Joe) - gain 16-17 hp, gain 3 Will XP, gain pitted thermos, unlocks Hidden Fishing Spot, triggers Warm Coin
- They must die - Fight two dockhands; triggers Cold Coin
- Leave them alone - Nothing
Choice Text and Results
Arm wrestle
With Strength <= 6
You challenge a series of dock workers to arm wrestling contests. You win some. You lose some. All in all, though, it's great exercise.
You've earned 3 XP in Strength
With Strength > 6 <= ?
You challenge a series of dock workers to arm wrestling contests. Everyone enjoys themselves, but it's obvious you're the strongest.
You've earned 3 XP in Will
With Strength > ? (Worked with 28)
You challenge a series of dock workers to arm wrestling contests. It's not even a contest.
You send the first batch back to work nursing sore limbs and nobody else is stupid enough to accept your challenge.
You've earned 4 XP in Will
Triggers cool coin
Join the chat
(First time)
You chat with the dock workers about fishing for quite a while. You're amazed how much thought goes into it.
When the conversation finally winds down, one of the workers hands you his old fishing pole. "Take care of 'er and keep 'er around and she'll keep you fed. That's for sure."
You found: old fishing pole
One of the dock workers offers you a cup of coffee as you grab a seat.
You sit back and join in their conversation. They don't seem too concerned about the constant procession of gangs through the docks or the abuses of dock security, but do talk at great length about a sea serpent in the lake named "Metsie."
One of the dockhands launches into a long story about how his father snagged the beast with a harpoon but wasn't able to bring her down.
The other man agrees that he too has heard the serpent's eerie songs. Unlike his coworker, he seems legitimately shaken.
You found: cup of Joe
One of the dock workers offers you a cup of coffee as you grab a seat.
You sit back and join in their conversation. They don't seem too concerned about the constant procession of gangs through the docks or the abuses of dock security, but do talk quite a bit about the minor earthquakes that seem to be shaking the area lately.
One of the workers argues it's not an earthquake at all, that instead it's just like the apartment he used to rent just above a Metros station.
The others laugh it off, telling him there's never been a Metros line running under the docks. One asks if he and his crate of Metros Light were going to go down and hunt the Ghost Train.
He continues laughing, but the rest of the group clams up suddenly. It's hard to say whether the sudden silence is from talk of the Ghost Train or insults to Metros Light.
You found: cup of Joe
Ask about Third Eye crates
The dockworkers nod and go silent, waiting a while until one recovers his voice. "I don't know what's there… nobody knows… something in the crates."
"We put some soot on them, like back in the old country. Asked for some help… but the world's gone upside-down, you know?"
Or after defeating the Boxed Nightmare:
One of the dockworkers gives you a broad grin. "It looks like the Families came through in the clutch."
He leans closer, slipping something into your hand. "Something from the boys. I'm glad we don't have to work with those creepy Third Eye fuckers anymore."
You found: 3 fresh cred chip
Or after defeating the Boxed Nightmare if you already resolved Waterfront Struggles in favor of the Third Eye:
One of the dockworkers leans towards you conspiratorially. "The Third Eye are taking care of things now, but thanks for your help."
He leans closer, slipping something into your hand. "Something from the boys."
You found: 3 fresh cred chip
Pass the thermos (Good (1))
(only if you have a thermos of Joe)
You pass your thermos around and the dockhands drain it dry. They're a friendly enough lot, talking about work, sports, where the fish are biting today, and their favorite TV shows.
They stay late on their break chatting until their foreman rounds them back up for work. Well, that was nice. You stretch out and head along your way.
You regain 15-20 hit points!
You found: pitted thermos
You've earned 3 XP in Will
Unlocks the Hidden Fishing Spot. If the Hidden Fishing Spot is already unlocked, it does not unlock another instance of that encounter.
They must die
The dockhands look aghast, but prepare to defend themselves.
(2 Evil)
(Fight two Dockhands)