Fleeing Pool Shark



Encounter Conditions

Only if you have the Lost Watch quest and the Pool Shark has already fled The Happy Hour

Initial Text

You can see the pool player you've been chasing slipping through a crowd of students. He's pretending to blend in, but it's almost laughable with his flame red lapels.

He hasn't noticed you yet, but it won't be easy to sneak up on him in this crowd.

Summary of Choices

  1. Claim he's with Midgard - only during the Protests, gain Strength XP, Reflexes XP
  2. Sneak up on him - Can lead to Captured Pool Shark
  3. Rush him - Get Strength XP, unlocks Hiding Pool Shark, or leads to Captured Pool Shark
  4. Leave him be - Nothing?

Choice Text and Results

Claim he's with Midgard

Only while The Protest is still active:

You point at him and shout "he's with Midgard!" His eyes widen as he points back. "No I'm not, you liar! You're with Midgard."

The crowd's eyes follow back and forth like they're watching a tennis match. They pause, uncertain of who to believe, as the man breaks into a run.

A few half-heartedly try to help catch him, just getting in your way. You start to chase him, but with the idiots tangling you up, he's already gotten too far away.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

You've earned 1 XP in Strength

Sneak up on him

With at least 3 Stealth Power:

You slip through the crowd silently, edging closer to his position. By the time he notices you, it's already too late.

His head snaps towards you and his eyes widen. "Oh god, I'm so sorry. Take whatever you want, just let me go!"

While he's begging, his eyes flit, trying to find an escape route.

Proceed to Captured Pool Shark.

With low Stealth Power and/or stats?:

You make your way towards him, silently slipping through the crowd. As you move through a particularly thick clump of students, he bolts.

By the time you've scattered them, he's already too far away. Damn it.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

You've earned 1 XP in Strength

Rush him

With sufficient Strength:
Proceed to Captured Pool Shark.


You charge after him, scattering the crowd he's hiding in. By the time you get to where he was, he's already put an entire stretch of sidewalk behind him.

You chase him across the Quad, following close behind. But eventually your stamina gives out and you're forced to slow down, legs burning.

Damn it, that guy's fast. Either he's on something or you're out of shape.

When you lost track of him, you could tell he was starting to get tired. He can't keep away from you forever.

You've earned 3 XP in Strength

Or, with low Perception [I had 1 (4) and 2 (7) Strength]:

You charge after him, scattering the crowd he's hiding in. By the time you get to where he was, he's already put an entire stretch of sidewalk behind him.

You chase him across the Quad, keeping up with his pace. Eventually he dives into another crowd of students and you lose track of him among the jostling bodies.

When you lost sight of him, he still looked pretty fresh. You might be in for a long chase.

Or, with 3 (6) Perception [third time chasing him]:

You charge after him, scattering the crowd he's hiding in. By the time you get to where he was, he's already put an entire stretch of sidewalk behind him.

You chase him across the Quad, keeping up with his pace. Eventually he dives into another crowd of students and you lose track of him among the jostling bodies.

When you lost track of him, he was breathing heavily and his cheap suit was soaked with sweat. Shouldn't be much longer now.

Or, with insufficient Perception (?) [I had 5 (8) and 6 (9) Strength]:

You charge after him, scattering the crowd he's hiding in. By the time you get to where he was, he's already put an entire stretch of sidewalk behind him.

You chase him across the Quad, keeping up with his pace. Eventually he dives into another crowd of students and you lose track of him among the jostling bodies.

When you lost track of him, you could tell he was starting to get tired. He can't keep away from you forever.

He seems to be looking for a place to rest overnight. Hopefully you can catch up with him before he finds one.

You've earned 3 XP in Perception

Leave him be

You turn and walk away. Something about this situation has him spooked pretty badly, but you don't feel like getting involved right now.

See Walk Away

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