Nothing different with artificial rage active, or really high/really low melee power. I'm almost certain the "while underwater" condition is wrong for both forms of "You gesture forcefully", I'm not getting it for the ruins octopus in Oldtown with or without music.
The description says: "A strangely physical Etheric Technique". Any ideas for what might trigger that?
EDIT: and actually, since the technique says Base Damage 8 with Eclipse, but I'm getting 10 damage for the "throw your hand in the air", I'm wondering if the "You gesture forcefully" form is actually the less powerful (default) one, and I'm now triggering the "You throw your hand in the air" because of something else.
EDIT: above hypothesis is correct, the additional trigger is wearing the stainless skulls helmet. Makes sense, someone probably put on a rebreather to go underwater and then started getting the other message.