They never understood. The Brick Lord had lived for years in the sidelines, but always ignored. He withstood the cold winds that blew through the back alleys of Southside, the corrosive slimes of the sewers and even the toxic fumes of the polluted lake. But at long last, his presence was known and those that knew him feared him. He alone had control over supply and demand of rare building materials. And lo, the masses did bow down before him, and did present him with foam. And in his mercy, he did accept foam from his faithful, and rewarded them. They would never have to worry about bricks again.
(Open) Arkaim: I'll give u bricks Al if u make a post saying u r the brick lord and demand all bricks as tribute. Just so everyone is on the same page.
(Open) Al: Did as you requested.
(Open) Arkaim: As promised I shall give u all my bricks. One sec this is awkward to do on phone
(Open) Al: Hehehe, yep, as predicted, Arkaim sends me all his brick stuff. Not to spoil it, but that is pretty funny.
Gift Received (2014-10-27)
From Arkaim
You found: brick figure
Gift Received (2014-10-27)
From Arkaim
You found: 3 brick apples
Gift Received (2014-10-27)
From Arkaim
You found: brick knuckles
Gift Received (2014-10-27)
From Arkaim
You found: brick slime
Gift Received (2014-10-27)
From Arkaim
You found: brick house
Gift Received (2014-10-27)
From Arkaim
You found: 56 sets of toy bricks
EDIT: okay, he sent two foam bricks too. Much appreciated!!
EDIT: to be lame and make it clear, I am collecting foam bricks in hopes of making at least one wall that we can maybe share around or something? Any donations of bricks is appreciated. Donations towards the maze fund would probably also help out. I'll send you back anything I reasonably can in return if you want.