Some combat, with:
2 Etheric Power
12 Melee Power
-4 Power to Techniques Using Reflexes
-4 Power to Techniques Using Will
11 Etheric Defense
17 Melee Defense
3 Stealth Defense
You punch the spider, throwing the whole weight of your body behind it and dealing 11 melee damage.
The spider slips closer and bites you, dealing 1 melee damage.You viciously slash the spider for 11 melee damage.
The spider lunges forward and sinks plastic mandible into The spider for 1 melee damage.You latch onto the spider and tear a chunk out of it with your teeth, dealing 11 melee damage.
You punch the spider, throwing the whole weight of your body behind it and dealing 13 melee damage, but the spider scurries out of reach and avoids the damage.
The spider crawls along the ceiling above your head.You viciously slash the spider for 12 melee damage.
The spider lunges forward and sinks plastic mandible into The spider for 1 melee damage.You latch onto the spider and tear a chunk out of it with your teeth, dealing 10 melee damage.
You've won the battle!
With that spider out of the way, you set the crepe walls on fire. Smoke billows out into the ballroom.
You found: 2 handfuls of polysteel
You found: polysteel support
You found: twisted polysteel heart
After the combat, you patch yourself up, healing 4 hit points.
You've earned 7 XP in Strength