I was sober while I tried poking this. Seems like the kind of thing where being etheric might matter, maybe Burning Vision.
Hat: twisted glasses
Weapon: sashimi knife
Offhand: tome of binding OR crystallized music
Shirt: dual armored vest
Pants: achromatic slacks
Gadget: Autodoc
Cyber: spidery limbs
Fae Sight (16)
Blood Fumes (23)
Halloween Spirit (157)
Primeval Terror (402)
Burning vision
No change in message.
The fact that this can't be used while equipped is a little suspicious, so offhand items seem worth trying. No luck with the following equipped:
- artificial hound crystal
- crystal face
- downtown manager ID
- hound crystal
- infested skull with Nest Keeper active, getting up to over 50 energy
- Midgard records ID
- Slags medical ID
- tome of binding, with 5 hounds and 3 spiders in deck
No luck with that, either. I think the crafting gets us past the biometrics, so I guess at this point it's a matter of knowing how to interact with it. We probably have to tap the runes in a certain pattern or something like that, which probably either means learning something, or getting etheric help in interpreting.
With Orange Juice sample:
You fall into something like a trance, staring at the swirling characters. Strange sounds rise to your lips.
The mysterious characters seem to respond to the sounds, but basically at random. You feel there must be some deeper meaning, but cannot find it.
I had Tooth Dream (38), Fae Sight (59), Halloween Spirit (186), Primeval Terror (361)
EDIT: Nothing else special with tome of binding equipped too. Nothing special using it on the 4th floor where the hound barrier seems weak.
With an OJ charge I got this result:
You fall into something like a trance, staring at the swirling characters. Strange sounds rise to your lips.
You recognize the characters from that strange puzzle and watch as they respond to the sounds, dancing with inhuman patterns. There must be some underlying meaning to the pattern, but it eludes you.
I didn't have the puzzle equipped or any puzzle related effects, just:
Emerald Gift (8)
Pep in your Step (9)
Fantastic Fiction (19)
Bone Spikes (86)
Burning Vision (86)
Halloween Spirit (238)
I do have Secrets of the Cube and it looks like Al does not, which could be the difference there.
Tried doing this again, with Focused Perception and Studious Nature, but no change.
Used this with a tome of binding equipped, with Unleash Spider and Release the Hounds in my deck, after drinking an orange juice sample the previous day. I also had Secrets of the Cube and was Etheric:
You fall into something like a trance, staring at the swirling characters. Strange sounds rise to your lips.
You recognize the sounds as similar to the chants explained in the tome of binding.
You recognize the characters from that strange puzzle and watch as they respond to the sounds, dancing with inhuman patterns. There must be some underlying meaning to the pattern, but it eludes you.
Using it subsequent times produced the default message, with and without the tome of binding equipped.
My last time I had a tome of binding equipped, with 5 copies of Release the Hounds and 3 of Unleash Spider in my deck, which are all that I know. Maybe there's some minimum level of those that's needed?
I had 4 Release the Hounds and 1 Unleash Spider, though I do have 28 instances of Release the Hounds available.
I also have Aid from Above (4), Burrowing Horror (1), Call the Firebird (2), and Pyrophobia (77), but they weren't in my deck at the time.