Did too much Science! and not enough taking out defenders, but here's a run at this site:
You queue up a batch for Programmer Calendar containing Manual Search.
Despite not knowing the language, you write a complex search and come back with a few filenames. They seem to be the game executable, so you take note of the most recent.
The monitor attempts to track you back, but digging through 1 of your system's Hardening.
Kumachikun Development takes note of your actions, increasing the Alert by 2.
You queue up a batch for Monitored Connection containing Disk Browser.
This multi-purpose software monitors the connections coming into a certain facility. They must have some approved sites, but you're not at one of them and it looks equipped to both monitor and attempt some limited counter-hacking.
The monitor attempts to track you back, but digging through 1 of your system's Hardening.
Kumachikun Development takes note of your actions, increasing the Alert by 2.
You wait for the right moment, lashing out to unweave your target. (+1 Offense)
You queue up a batch for Monitored Connection containing Direct Command and Waiting Lash.
You carefully trim off the monitoring software, leaving the connection intact.
The Gatekeeper reports your attack to the system.
Kumachikun Development's automated defenses follow your tracks, increasing the Alert by 8.
The system starts up its Watching Eyes routine.
The system starts up its Zaibatsu's Justice routine.
You've earned 2 XP in Perception
{alert = 18]
You try a different approach, exploiting a new way into Kumachikun Development and opening up new opportunities.
The system's watching eyes hone in on your disturbance.
Justice's blade deflects off your system's hardening, dealing 1 damage.
Kumachikun Development's automated defenses follow your tracks, increasing the Alert by 6.
The system starts up its Guardian routine.
You queue up a batch for Zaibatsu's Justice containing Simple Filter and Forge Gauntlet.
You reforge part of your system's Hardening into a gauntlet over your avatar's hand.
You command it to stop, but it informs you it must complete its scan first.
With a slick bit of coding, you reroute its scan back on itself. It finds that it is not, in fact, pirated Zaibatsu software and shuts down without complaint.
The system's watching eyes hone in on your disturbance.
The Guardian routine tries to batter your avatar, but you deflect the attack.
Kumachikun Development takes note of your actions, increasing the Alert by 4.
You've earned 1 XP in Perception
You've earned 2 XP in Will
You queue up a batch for Programmer Calendar containing Direct Command and Forge Gauntlet.
Your system's hardening burns around the gauntlet. (+2 Command)
Despite not knowing the language, you write a complex search and come back with a few filenames. They seem to be the game executable, so you take note of the most recent.
The system's watching eyes hone in on your disturbance.
The Guardian routine batters your avatar with pulses of raw data and deals 1 damage to your system's Hardening.
Kumachikun Development takes note of your actions, increasing the Alert by 4.
Your connection flickers for a moment, then goes dead. Well, looks like it finally managed to block you.