Testing damage with "Wolf Bite" form of this technique. Just realized I had a lot more melee power and strength than I thought when I made the edit, so it doesn't necessarily give bonus damage. Time to test!
blocked by dive for cover — does not make it an etheric technique
0 strength, 9 melee power, 8 etheric power:
17 damage to guard
0 strength, 14 etheric power, 2 evasion, 1 stealth:
7 damage to ghoul, 8 to ganger, 8 to ganger, 8 to ganger, 8 to ganger
not affected by etheric power
Gangers always take 5 damage when I take off the wolfman mask, so they don't have any melee defense.
Looks like no random factor here, but I'm out of energy. If I'm right, ghouls have 1 melee defense and the wolfman mask adds 3 damage. Cool.
In the beginning, men were mortal.