Yay the sun! Glad to hear the photosynthesis is kicking in again.
A while ago you said there was a good-sized chunk of Matsuo goodness still to be found. Was Fire Dancer it, or is there still more? Like maybe a Matsuo avatar? (And, if there isn't one, could there be?)
In 2012, you said there were two secrets in the Black Sketchbook, one "just a little hidden' and one "terrifyingly buried". Eight years (!) later, Goku finally found the "just a little hidden" one. You said the other one requires finding a fairly significant amount of non-Charnel House stuff before we can even start on it. Can we please have a hint about where to start looking for a way in to this content?
If you skip this question again like you did last podcast I'll know you're avoiding answering it on purpose: back in the day you said there would someday be a skill tied to the blotted document but that you hadn't implemented it yet. Did you ever wind up implementing it?
Item #1935 is smack-dab in the middle of items related to the coat of mysterious circuitry. Is it part of the coat content, or is this just a coincidence? In either case, is it something we can get?
Similarly, item #1313 is in there with Midgard Player content. Is this one a coincidence?
Using four Midgard Player recordings in the same day gives a message about how you really understand the recordings and you can almost feel your heart beating along with them. We've never figured out what this does, but it's seems significant. Any hint on what's going on here and how big a deal it is?
No rush, but at some point I imagine we'll be voting on the next legacy unearthly items to bring back into rotation. So, in accordance with relatively new-fangled but still traditional tradition, how about a roundup of spading status on all of the contenders?
- Red-lensed goggles - Since the last time you mentioned these on a podcast we found the kraken's pearl and the tricksy bonus XP from using science-y techniques. The Academy laughed, laughed when we said we could figure this one out completely. But we showed them! We showed them ALL! Muahahaha! (Or did we?)
- Antique floor mirror - OK, I know there is more to find here. My understanding is that what's left to find requires cross-pollination among the different seasons. And pointers to get us looking at this item again?
- Tattered horror paperback - Last time this came up you said there was still "some meta stuff" to discover. Did we find it all? If not, what kind of thing counts as "meta" here?
- Trick top hat - Last time this came up we didn't know about the stage wand. But now we do! Have we made all the mysteries with this item disappear?