So the May 2020 artificial bone release added another way to get a sealed cyberbladeby crafting a basic cyberblade with cybersafety seal, instead of the unsealed cyberblade you were supposed to use. The Yakuza didn't seem to mind.
The quest progression *I think* make sense but not completely sure, and I'm not in a position to test it again now:
- I had started Yakuza quest and found a seal.
- I craft a sealed cyberblade from parts and then was given options to return it to him and the quest log said "you should return the sealed cyberblade".
- I then salvaged my sealed cyberblade and the quest reverts to previous step. ("you should talk to the Yakuza about the seal you extracted / you should seal the cyberblade the Yakuza gave you")
- The got the unsealed cyberblade from him, salvaged it (quest text changes to the "….some complications" line), then crafting another sealed one from parts and that all worked as normal.
Long story short, what happens if you try to return the sealed cyberblade before he gives you the unsealed one?
I would guess the "…some complications" step only kicks in if you destroy all your unsealed and all sealed cyberblades, otherwise, the game wouldn't know which sealed blade is which.