- Entry 8308 -
12,28,25 (19),14 (13),12 (8),15 (17),3 Etheric Power,8 Evasion Power,5 Melee Power,2 Ranged Power,14 Etheric Defense,10 Melee Defense,3 Ranged Defense,-2 Stealth Defense,-6 Perception,-1 Reflexes,-4 Strength,+2 Will,OtherGlow with Slightly Mysterious Light,
The ghoul latches onto you and tears a chunk out of you with its teeth, dealing 2 melee damage.
The ghoul leaps a shocking distance straight up.
The ghoul nimbly leaps from surface to surface above you.
The ghoul drops down on you, viciously clawing you for 1 melee damage.
- Entry 8309 -
9,28,25 (19),14 (13),12 (8),15 (17),3 Etheric Power,8 Evasion Power,5 Melee Power,2 Ranged Power,14 Etheric Defense,10 Melee Defense,3 Ranged Defense,-2 Stealth Defense,-6 Perception,-1 Reflexes,-4 Strength,+2 Will,OtherGlow with Slightly Mysterious Light,
You raise your reinforced leg to protect your core against the ghoul .
The ghoul rakes you with its claws for 1 melee damage, but all of the damage was blocked by Your leg.
You reach out with your blade and cut deeply into the ghoul for 11 melee damage, but the ghoul's sudden jump avoids all but 1 damage.
The ghoul leaps a shocking distance straight up.
You take a great leap and tumble to avoid incoming attacks.
The ghoul nimbly leaps from surface to surface above you.
The ghoul drops down on you, viciously clawing you for 1 melee damage.
- Entry 8310 -
8,28,25 (19),14 (13),12 (8),15 (17),3 Etheric Power,8 Evasion Power,5 Melee Power,2 Ranged Power,14 Etheric Defense,10 Melee Defense,3 Ranged Defense,-2 Stealth Defense,-6 Perception,-1 Reflexes,-4 Strength,+2 Will,OtherGlow with Slightly Mysterious Light,
You reach out with your blade and cut deeply into the ghoul for 13 melee damage.
The ghoul latches onto you and tears a chunk out of you with its teeth, dealing 2 melee damage.
You set your feet and prepare for a powerful parry.
The ghoul digs into you with its claws and finds enough purchase to tear you apart for 2 melee damage, but you block deftly and deflect all of the damage.
- Entry 8311 -
6,28,25 (19),14 (13),12 (8),15 (17),3 Etheric Power,8 Evasion Power,5 Melee Power,2 Ranged Power,14 Etheric Defense,10 Melee Defense,3 Ranged Defense,-2 Stealth Defense,-6 Perception,-1 Reflexes,-4 Strength,+2 Will,OtherGlow with Slightly Mysterious Light,
You strike with all your might and deal 16 melee damage.
The ghoul attempts into dig into you with its sharp claws. Its imperfect grip deals 1 melee damage.
You've won the battle!
You found: ghoul teeth
You learned a new Technique: Ghoul Bite
Huh, it seems like some of this blood wasn't yours after all.
You regain a hit point!
You learned a new Technique: Leg Block
You've earned 1 XP in Reflexes
You've earned 2 XP in Strength
You've gained Strength!