Jumped the gun a little on this. Looks like the area name is actually Records Office.
At high alert, with the following, I get the "eventually a supervisor hassles you back to work" resting message — which seems weird.
Hat: twitch visor
Weapon: collapsible baton
Offhand: ballistic shield
Shirt: dual armored vest
Pants: achromatic slacks
Gadget: showy watch
Supervisor rest with:
Hat: twitch visor
Weapon: collapsible baton
Offhand: ballistic shield
Shirt: dual armored vest
Pants: achromatic slacks
Gadget: (None)
Hat: twitch visor
Weapon: collapsible baton
Offhand: ballistic shield
Shirt: dual armored vest
Pants: (None)
Gadget: (None)
Hat: (None)
Weapon: collapsible baton
Offhand: ballistic shield
Shirt: dual armored vest
Pants: (None)
Gadget: (None)
Bathroom rest with:
Hat: twitch visor
Weapon: collapsible baton
Offhand: ballistic shield
Shirt: (None)
Pants: achromatic slacks
Gadget: (None)
Hat: twitch visor
Weapon: collapsible baton
Offhand: (None)
Shirt: (None)
Pants: (None)
Gadget: (None)
EDIT: Seem to be getting the supervisor rest message with MSec outfit, which may be a bug (reported). Confirmed that collapsible baton counts as MSec, as well as the heavy pants/vest/helmet.
I've checked the morality for actions in all the encounters except Group of Office Workers and Security Issue so far. Since the group of office workers requires the Midgard records ID, that one will be a bit trickier.
The one other thing I missed is the Cubicle Patrol option to say the alert is over, since that seems to go away if you don't pick it.
Investigating heriodule's new combat encounter with a single office worker:
A man stands in the aisle, staring you down. You're not sure what's gotten into him, but he rushes you with his fists balled and his face contorting in silent rage.
If it is the Water Cooler Rambling guy mad at me for cutting in on him, I tried pulling her away 7 times ("Ask about the vault" in office gear), and then tried jumping them but just killing the girl 3 times. He continues to happily hit on her and ignore me.
So I tried sleeping in the Records Office with counterculture cyberware (cat eyes, tiger skin) and the office worker outfit equipped, and it is currently bugged (in such a way that I can't even rest), but if anyone wants to beat me to try it again after Kinak fixes things, by all means.
EDIT: It has been fixed.
Writing for the long-neglected GOC Casefiles canon.
I started getting the single worker combat encounter after infecting 5 office workers with implant seed, after having previously killed 1 overgrown cubicle here a very long time ago.
Also interesting: that worker does not have the parasitic vine effect, as I was able to hit him with Implant Seed.
Writing for the long-neglected GOC Casefiles canon.
So interestingly enough, it seems that the hostility of the records office plants (getting combat encounters of faceless workers) isn't the same as that of the Misty Office plants. I've ticked off the former, but the latter won't attack me.
Writing for the long-neglected GOC Casefiles canon.