They both jump a little when you approach, but the Fang pats the worker's shoulder and says "don't worry, man, it's cool. This is a friend of mine." He quickly finishes the transaction and pockets a candybars. The dock hand vanishes back among the crates.
"Sorry. They're jumpy, you know. Think there's crazy stuff in the sewers. It's the Eclipse, I think." He lets out a long sigh, then checks over his shoulder to make sure his customer is gone.
"They're right on this one. 'specially with us out of the picture. Not that I blame you or anything. You're alright in my book." He looks ready to bolt if you make a move towards him, but eventually relaxes again.
"So, yeah. The mutants in the sewers… We heard about them for years, even when I was a kid. Then, a couple of months ago, they just started showing up. Just one or two at first, they say the Vigilante kept 'em down. Not sure I believe that."
"But one day, they ripped open my friend Jackie, just…" He takes a deep breath, as though trying to calm his nerves. "We tracked them through the sewers. It took days to find their hideout. There was a whole nest of 'em in this abandoned subway terminal, like in the stories. We killed dozens of 'em, but they just kept standing back up uglier."
"The big boss caught one with some explosive rounds. Ripped it clean in half. When it grew back into two of them… well, we fucking split. What the hell do you do to that? It's crazy."
He pauses again, as though weighing his options, then nods almost imperceptibly when he settles on one. "The thing that really gets me, though… the big boss did some digging, even called in some favors… there was never a subway terminal there. Not Metros, neither of the old systems, nothing. The tracks go on a ways, then just… stop. It's enough to drive you to sample the stock, if you know what I mean."
"But, I gotta get some work done." He wanders off, deep in thought.
I already reported the typo. If the sewer mutants have hydra-style regeneration, maybe we need to use fire techniques on them?
This is really neat info. I had actually spent a bunch of energy seeing if I could find old subway maps or something back when I was spading this more actively.
Since he mentions The Vigilante, somebody with the friendly bum as a contact might try seeing if he has anything to say about this.