I did not get Crushed Perception after intimidating him. In addition to the state information below, I'd made a point of defeating the Chanting Door encounter. (Thought maybe they fueled Saber's power.)
Perception: 13 (15) — Reflexes: 13 — Strength: 13 — Will: 15 (18)
lieutenant's shades, the bone scepter, tome of binding, prototype vest, smelly old pants, personal focus
Ocean Eyes
I had 10 Etheric Power, 8 Etheric Defense.
You feel a strange sensation, like someone opening your brain up to take a look at the contents. "Really? You think I'm afraid of you?"
"The Third Eye has made a better offer." He levels his gun at you as his tattoo blazes with golden light.
He shouts gibberish at you and you wonder for a moment if he's gone insane. The air around you feels warm for a moment and swims with colors, but you feel you avoided the brunt of it.