I think I may have found the trigger for getting this. I got the noncombat in the Quad where you get the pamphlets. The text said something about the guy explaining the philosophy behind the Blind Legion. I went immediately to Southside and watched TV for a few times and got Walk With the Blind. I had also gotten the unbeliever effect and had that active when I got the book, so that may have something to do with it, although I'll bet it's just watching TV immediately after the Quad encounter.
"Hey, there's a program on the Blind Legion and they're giving away free copies of their book. That'll be way easier than piecing everything together from pamphlets. You give them a call and get your free copy."
"All you can find to watch is a program preaching the virtues of the 'Blind Legion' a cult that's been canvasing this area for years. Something clicks this time, though. You give them a call and they send you a free book. The moment you hang up, you wonder what could possibly have possessed you to do that."
There seems to be different text in the message when you get it.
There are definitely two ways to trigger it. At least, that's sure what the devblog seems to be saying. The first message is presumably triggered by reading X pamphlets, and (if I'm right) the second one is triggered by watching a descrambled TV immediately after having the Legion's philosophy explained to you in the Quad. I don't think randomness is involved in either method other than just getting the Blind Legion program to show up on TV.
2nd day of doing nothing but watching t.v. immediately after meeting the legion guy on the quad (met him on both days), finally got the Blind Legion program:
"All you can find to watch is a program preaching the virtues of the 'Blind Legion' a cult that's been canvasing this area for years. Eventually, you can't stand their prattling anymore, flip it off like normal, and go about your day." :(
Oh, well, at least I got a replica sword.
Fellow Hound lineartime read 69 legion tracts (in one day), installed his descrambled tv and watched about 30 times (same day as the tract reading) before getting Walk with the Blind.
No effects active other than feeling primal.
I just got it today. I'm gonna list everything I had as far as I know. I don't believe I've used any leaflets. I was adventuring in Southside Park doing vigilante justice, and had killed the psycho killer and the mage and thug combat as I recall.
My stats were
Perception: 19 (22)
Reflexes: 19 (13)
Skills are:
Efficient Hacking
Experimental Chemistry
Expert Salvager
Simple Coding
my equipment was:
Hat: reinforced surgical mask
Weapon: Zaibatsu mister
Offhand: ballistic shield
Shirt: thick vest
Pants: containment suit pants
Gadget: retromodern scope
and my deck was a shooting deck. Maybe this can help someone narrow stuff down?
I read 30 legion tracts, no special message (I had not read any at all before that this run, I think) and walk with the blind… though not 100% I got the legion show during my rests then, then I read 30 more, got the 2nd multi use message (the tracts makign some sense), then I read 19 more and the the last multi-use message (their stuff being a lot clearer. I got the walk with the blind first rest with their tv show.