It looks like if you have multiple stats tied for the lowest it may be random which applicable version of the technique you get. I managed to even out all my stats and got both the Will and Reflexes versions in the same fight.
You yank a rock out of your top hat and smash it for 13 melee damage. The attack came from an unexpected angle, avoiding the rat's defense.
The rat dives for cover.You open your third eye, bathing the area in golden light.
The rat tosses a bottle of burning liquid at you for 7 fire damage, but golden light weighs down its attack, preventing all of the damage.
Perception: 40 (63)
Reflexes: 48 (63)
Strength: 54
Will: 77 (72)
13 Etheric Power
4 Evasion Power
5 Fire Power
6 Melee Power
17 Stealth Power
9 Etheric Defense
2 Fire Defense
12 Melee Defense
+23 Perception
+15 Reflexes
-5 Will
Moderately Increased Chance of Choice Encounters
Moderately Increased Chance of Combat Encounters
Slightly Increased Chance of Etheric Encounters
Slightly Increased Chance of PvP Encounters
Moderately Increased Fishing Yield
1 Bonus Eclipse Duration
2 First Aid
You yank a rock out of your top hat and smash it for 13 melee damage. The attack came from an unexpected angle, avoiding the rat's defense.
The Evasion Negation is vaguely documented on the Top Hat Trick page — unconfirmed for Reflexes as lowest stat but likely also.
You draw a gun from your top hat and shoot the trash heap for 15 ranged damage, but the trash heap avoids the worst by burrowing into garbage. The garbage absorbs all but 7 damage.
The trash heap burrows into garbage.
You take a great leap and tumble to avoid incoming attacks.
You've won the battle!
You found: dirty old trenchcoatYou found: tattered newspaper page
You found: ancient candybar
After the combat, you patch yourself up, healing 1 hit point.
You've earned 1 XP in Perception
You've earned 2 XP in Reflexes
Perception: 41 (51)
Reflexes: 49 (47)
Strength: 54
Will: 77 (76)
3 Etheric Power
2 Evasion Power
3 Fire Power
6 Melee Power
3 Ranged Power
6 Stealth Power
12 Etheric Defense
9 Melee Defense
+10 Perception
-2 Reflexes
-1 Will
Slightly Increased Chance of Choice Encounters
Moderately Increased Chance of Combat Encounters
Slightly Increased Chance of Etheric Encounters
Moderately Increased Fishing Yield
1 Bonus Eclipse Duration
2 First Aid