For those who don't stalk the edit history of obscure pages, Arkaim has discovered a new result when using this:
Chemically the substance appears largely inert, but you eventually discover it responds to your thoughts. By thinking one way or another, you can make the tiny oil slicks move or even form unsettling shapes.
By the time you collapse, mentally exhausted, the cells have been ripped apart by your experimentation.
and got 2 XP Perception + 2 XP Will instead of 3 XP Perception.
sprinkling Kinak hints around the wiki from Podcastrophe 34:
"Ant farm" message is a reference to something "I should put back in the game at some point. Before recipes existed … there were a series of recipes… involving the mutant cell culture and related stuff that gained you some XP. So not earth-shattering…. There's quite a bit of stuff hiding out in that block of content so I guess I'm not sad that the hint is still there. I should probably just <put the recipes back in that the hint refers to.>"
In the beginning, men were mortal.