Something I've been thinking about and trying to figure out -
The player is "immortal" in some ways, like they can't really be killed. No matter how much damage we take or organs removed, we grow back. There are a few specific people like this in the world, the "Freaks" or "einherjars"(?). The Hammer is one:
"The Vigilante would call us Freaks. They say we're immortal. I'm not so sure… but you seem to stay together better than me. Maybe you're the new model year." He opens his mouth like he's about to start laughing, then winces and closes it again. ref
The burner combat on the Exec floor that shows up once we recover from being beaten up a couple times calls us "We found the N's einherjar! Light it up!".
Many of the high-up Midgard execs seem to have some sort of regenerative power too. Janet survives our killing her over and over. Most all of the AVP encounters show up repeatedly.
At some point Kinak mentioned that there's something going on with the spider lady or ladies in the Cellar Door. Not sure if it's one person showing up over and over again or multiple people. EDIT: Kinak confirms: "Those do actually represent multiple people. There is some text that may or may not have been uncovered to explain why the spider ladies are like that."
(Then there's the whole "reset" / slags maelstrom thing, which is obviously related somehow, but different from the above regeneration. We start a new "life" but still remember echoes of previous lives, eg. memories of the monocled man. It's not like every time we get killed we need to start over from day 1.)
Anyway, the part that is not clear to me yet is why you can kill the Executive Interrogation AVP but she doesn't get mad at you for doing so. I kill her once and she still greets me like it's the first time we met. Is this:
- a) Her re-birth process is a complete "reset" and she doesn't remember us killing her?
- b) There's a "backup" copy somewhere that doesn't remember the last few hours before being killed? (Just watched Dollhouse recently - in that show people's memories can be backed up to a hard drive and restored, but they will only remember up to when they were last backed up.)
- c) She has mysterious reasons not to acknowledge the fact that we just killed her so as to hide her own immortality.
- d) There are multiple AVPs who kind of look the same and we keep running into different ones? (I get the impression this is how the Executive Procession works on the Call Center - we are not seeing the same AVP multiple times, we are seeing a number of different ones.) I think the Executive Interrogation AVP is the same person you meet over and over, but there's not specific evidence of that.
- e) Metroplexity is a videogame and there are some things that can't always be coded for.
Janet is the only named AVP you can kill repeatedly, and she did acknowledge once about not being dead after you killed her. So she knows that she has been "killed" by you at least.
Hmmm. Just writing all this out to get my thoughts in order.