- Entry 1257 -
43,43,14 (19),17 (24),25 (23),34 (41),8 Etheric Power,3 Evasion Power,16 Melee Power,-4 Ranged Power,5 Etheric Defense,10 Melee Defense,-1 Ranged Defense,8 Stealth Defense,+5 Perception,+7 Reflexes,-2 Strength,+7 Will,Glow with Impressively Mysterious Light,effects: 3 Slags Poisoning, 15 Channeling Matsuo, 70 Ocean Sight, 236 Powdered Knuckles,
You latch onto the serpent and tear a chunk out of it with your teeth, dealing 20 melee damage.
you lunges forward with incredible speed and sinkss its icy fangs into you for 5 stealth damage.
You slam into the serpent and deal 10 melee damage before it can fend off the attack.
The serpent slams its tail down on you dealing 1 melee damage.
You punch the serpent, throwing the whole weight of your body behind it and dealing 16 melee damage, but the serpent lurks beneath the snow. It absorbs all but 4 damage.
The serpent lurks beneath the surface of the snow, leaving only a raised trail as it burrows.
The serpent plunges beneath the snow.
- Entry 1258 -
14,20,14 (0),17 (0),25 (0),34 (0),8 Etheric Power,3 Evasion Power,16 Melee Power,-4 Ranged Power,5 Etheric Defense,10 Melee Defense,-1 Ranged Defense,8 Stealth Defense,-14 Perception,-17 Reflexes,-25 Strength,-34 Will,Glow with Impressively Mysterious Light,effects: 3 Slags Poisoning, 5 Icy Venom, 15 Channeling Matsuo, 70 Ocean Sight, 236 Powdered Knuckles,
You bring a hammer-like blow down on the serpent for 10 melee damage.
The serpent inhales, then breathes a cloud of sparkling motes on you. You shiver, chilled to the core for 8 etheric damage.
You punch the serpent, throwing the whole weight of your body behind it and dealing 10 melee damage.
The serpent slams its tail down on you dealing 1 melee damage.
You've won the battle!
You found: 3 handfuls of unmelting snowflakes
Wow, what a rush. You totally feel just like Matsuo and it's awesome.
You learned a new Technique: Power Strike
You've earned 5 XP in Strength
- Entry 1263 -
28,28,14 (8),17 (8),25 (8),34 (8),4 Etheric Power,3 Evasion Power,8 Fire Power,6 Melee Power,-4 Ranged Power,7 Etheric Defense,6 Melee Defense,-1 Ranged Defense,8 Stealth Defense,-2 Fire Defense,-6 Perception,-9 Reflexes,-17 Strength,-26 Will,Glow with Impressively Mysterious Light,effects: 1 Slags Poisoning, 3 Icy Venom, 13 Channeling Matsuo, 68 Ocean Sight, 234 Powdered Knuckles,
You light a stick of dynamite and roll it next to the serpent.
The serpent inhales, then breathes a cloud of sparkling motes on you. You shiver, chilled to the core for 11 etheric damage.
You splash the serpent with sticky petrol. It looks pretty flammable.
The serpent slams its tail down on you dealing 5 melee damage.
You hurl a vial of Nitro at the serpent. It explodes with a resounding boom and deals 12 fire damage.
You take a great leap and tumble to avoid incoming attacks.
You shower the serpent with burning petrol for 13 fire damage.
The stick of dynamite explodes beneath the serpent for 10 fire damage.
- Entry 1264 -
12,28,14 (8),17 (8),25 (8),34 (8),4 Etheric Power,3 Evasion Power,8 Fire Power,6 Melee Power,-4 Ranged Power,7 Etheric Defense,6 Melee Defense,-1 Ranged Defense,8 Stealth Defense,-2 Fire Defense,-6 Perception,-9 Reflexes,-17 Strength,-26 Will,Glow with Impressively Mysterious Light,effects: 1 Slags Poisoning, 3 Icy Venom, 13 Channeling Matsuo, 68 Ocean Sight, 234 Powdered Knuckles,
You hurl a vial of Nitro at the serpent. It explodes with a resounding boom and deals 10 fire damage.
The serpent latches onto you and tears a chunk out of you with its teeth, dealing 6 melee damage.
You splash the serpent with sticky petrol. It looks pretty flammable.
you lunges forward and sinkss its icy fangs into you for 3 melee damage.
You light a stick of dynamite and roll it next to the serpent.
The serpent slams its tail down on you dealing 4 melee damage.
The stick of dynamite explodes beneath the serpent for 10 fire damage.
You've been beaten to hell!
You barely crawled away from that fight intact, but your enemy is in way worse shape.
You've earned 5 XP in Reflexes
- Entry 1278 -
39,48,14 (19),17 (24),25 (28),34 (41),2 Etheric Power,3 Evasion Power,8 Fire Power,6 Melee Power,-4 Ranged Power,7 Etheric Defense,6 Melee Defense,-1 Ranged Defense,8 Stealth Defense,-2 Fire Defense,+5 Perception,+7 Reflexes,+3 Strength,+7 Will,Glow with Impressively Mysterious Light,effects: 6 Channeling Matsuo, 61 Ocean Sight, 227 Powdered Knuckles,
You shower the serpent with burning petrol for 12 fire damage.
you lunges forward with incredible speed and sinkss its icy fangs into you for 5 stealth damage.
You toss a bottle of liquid to feed the flames around the serpent, dealing 10 fire damage.
The serpent slams its tail down on you dealing 5 melee damage.
You hurl a vial of Nitro at the serpent. It explodes with a resounding boom and deals 10 fire damage.
The serpent inhales, then breathes a cloud of sparkling motes on you. You shiver, chilled to the core for 11 etheric damage.
- Entry 1279 -
7,28,14 (8),17 (8),25 (8),34 (8),2 Etheric Power,3 Evasion Power,8 Fire Power,6 Melee Power,-4 Ranged Power,7 Etheric Defense,6 Melee Defense,-1 Ranged Defense,8 Stealth Defense,-2 Fire Defense,-6 Perception,-9 Reflexes,-17 Strength,-26 Will,Glow with Impressively Mysterious Light,effects: 5 Icy Venom, 6 Channeling Matsuo, 61 Ocean Sight, 227 Powdered Knuckles,
You hurl a vial of Nitro at the serpent. It explodes with a resounding boom and deals 10 fire damage.
you lunges forward with incredible speed and sinkss its icy fangs into you for 6 stealth damage.
You splash the serpent with sticky petrol. It looks pretty flammable.
The serpent slams its tail down on you dealing 8 melee damage.
The serpent lurks beneath the surface of the snow, leaving only a raised trail as it burrows.
The serpent plunges beneath the snow.
You've been beaten to hell!
- Entry 1292 -
52,54,14 (17),17 (18),25 (34),34 (43),2 Etheric Power,3 Evasion Power,10 Fire Power,2 Melee Power,11 Etheric Defense,12 Melee Defense,5 Ranged Defense,8 Stealth Defense,+3 Perception,+1 Reflexes,+9 Strength,+9 Will,Glow with Impressively Mysterious Light,effects: 5 Fearsome Strength, 11 No Pain, 16 Bone Scales, 16 Garage Metal, 16 Fires of Inspiration, 29 Released Cricket, 54 Ocean Sight, 220 Powdered Knuckles,
You light a stick of dynamite and roll it next to the serpent.
The serpent inhales, then breathes a cloud of sparkling motes on you. You shiver, chilled to the core for 3 etheric damage.
You splash the serpent with sticky petrol. It looks pretty flammable.
The serpent slams its tail down on you dealing 1 melee damage.
You hurl a vial of Nitro at the serpent. It explodes with a resounding boom and deals 16 fire damage.
you lunges forward and sinkss its icy fangs into you for 1 melee damage.
The serpent recoils as the petrol soaking its body bursts into flames.
The stick of dynamite explodes beneath the serpent for 10 fire damage.
- Entry 1293 -
25,30,14 (10),17 (10),25 (10),34 (10),2 Etheric Power,3 Evasion Power,10 Fire Power,2 Melee Power,11 Etheric Defense,12 Melee Defense,5 Ranged Defense,8 Stealth Defense,-4 Perception,-7 Reflexes,-15 Strength,-24 Will,Glow with Impressively Mysterious Light,effects: 5 Icy Venom, 5 Fearsome Strength, 11 No Pain, 16 Bone Scales, 16 Garage Metal, 16 Fires of Inspiration, 29 Released Cricket, 54 Ocean Sight, 220 Powdered Knuckles,
You light a stick of dynamite and roll it next to the serpent.
The serpent inhales, then breathes a cloud of sparkling motes on you. You shiver, chilled to the core for 3 etheric damage.
You splash the serpent with sticky petrol. It looks pretty flammable.
The serpent slams its tail down on you dealing 1 melee damage.
You hurl a vial of Nitro at the serpent. It explodes with a resounding boom and deals 15 fire damage.
You take a great leap and tumble to avoid incoming attacks.
You shower the serpent with burning petrol for 17 fire damage.
The stick of dynamite explodes beneath the serpent for 10 fire damage.
You've won the battle!
You found: 2 handfuls of unmelting snowflakes
You've earned 5 XP in Reflexes
- Entry 1317 -
42,48,14 (17),17 (18),25 (28),34 (43),4 Etheric Power,3 Evasion Power,4 Fire Power,2 Melee Power,11 Etheric Defense,4 Fire Defense,10 Melee Defense,5 Ranged Defense,8 Stealth Defense,+3 Perception,+1 Reflexes,+3 Strength,+9 Will,Glow with Impressively Mysterious Light,effects: 2 No Pain, 7 Bone Scales, 7 Garage Metal, 7 Fires of Inspiration, 20 Released Cricket, 45 Ocean Sight, 211 Powdered Knuckles,
You light a stick of dynamite and roll it next to the serpent.
The serpent plunges beneath the snow.
You splash the serpent with sticky petrol. It looks pretty flammable.
The serpent lurks beneath the surface of the snow, leaving only a raised trail as it burrows.
You hurl a vial of Nitro at the serpent. It explodes with a resounding boom and deals 8 fire damage.
The serpent slams its tail down on you dealing 2 melee damage.
You toss a bottle of liquid to feed the flames around the serpent, dealing 11 fire damage.
The serpent recoils as the petrol soaking its body bursts into flames.
You clumsily throw some burning petrol at the serpent for 6 fire damage.
The serpent recoils as the petrol soaking its body bursts into flames.
The serpent recoils as the petrol soaking its body bursts into flames.
The stick of dynamite explodes beneath the serpent for 9 fire damage.
- Entry 1318 -
40,48,14 (17),17 (18),25 (28),34 (43),4 Etheric Power,3 Evasion Power,4 Fire Power,2 Melee Power,11 Etheric Defense,4 Fire Defense,10 Melee Defense,5 Ranged Defense,8 Stealth Defense,+3 Perception,+1 Reflexes,+3 Strength,+9 Will,Glow with Impressively Mysterious Light,effects: 2 No Pain, 7 Bone Scales, 7 Garage Metal, 7 Fires of Inspiration, 20 Released Cricket, 45 Ocean Sight, 211 Powdered Knuckles,
You splash the serpent with sticky petrol. It looks pretty flammable.
you lunges forward with incredible speed and sinkss its icy fangs into you for 4 stealth damage.
You hurl a vial of Nitro at the serpent. It explodes with a resounding boom and deals 9 fire damage.
The serpent slams its tail down on you dealing 1 melee damage.
You catch the serpent's reflection in your hand mirror.
The serpent recoils as the petrol soaking its body bursts into flames.
You clumsily throw some burning petrol at the serpent for 5 fire damage.
- Entry 1319 -
19,24,14 (4),17 (4),25 (4),34 (4),4 Etheric Power,3 Evasion Power,4 Fire Power,2 Melee Power,11 Etheric Defense,4 Fire Defense,10 Melee Defense,5 Ranged Defense,8 Stealth Defense,-10 Perception,-13 Reflexes,-21 Strength,-30 Will,Glow with Impressively Mysterious Light,effects: 2 No Pain, 5 Icy Venom, 7 Bone Scales, 7 Garage Metal, 7 Fires of Inspiration, 20 Released Cricket, 45 Ocean Sight, 211 Powdered Knuckles,
You hurl a vial of Nitro at the serpent. It explodes with a resounding boom and deals 9 fire damage.
The serpent inhales, then breathes a cloud of sparkling motes on you. You shiver, chilled to the core for 4 etheric damage.
You toss a bottle of liquid to feed the flames around the serpent, dealing 10 fire damage.
You clumsily throw some burning petrol at the serpent for 5 fire damage.
You've won the battle!
You found: 2 handfuls of unmelting snowflakes
Dark shapes flit around under the surface of your hand mirror.
You've earned 5 XP in Reflexes
You've gained Reflexes!
- Entry 1332 -
33,48,14 (17),18 (19),25 (28),34 (43),12 Etheric Power,3 Evasion Power,8 Fire Power,2 Melee Power,11 Etheric Defense,4 Fire Defense,8 Melee Defense,5 Ranged Defense,8 Stealth Defense,+3 Perception,+1 Reflexes,+3 Strength,+9 Will,Slightly Increased Chance of PvP Encounters,Glow with Impressively Mysterious Light,effects: 1 Bone Scales, 14 Released Cricket, 21 Garage Metal, 21 Fires of Inspiration, 39 Ocean Sight, 205 Powdered Knuckles,
You give the serpent the Evil Eye and it bursts into flames. The malefic green fire deals it 2 etheric damage, but the intervening snow blunts your attack, absorbing all of the damage.
The serpent plunges beneath the snow.
You focus your gaze on the serpent. It feels a strange tingling, then starts bleeding as a hole is bored into its flesh, dealing 1 etheric damage.
The serpent inhales, then breathes a cloud of sparkling motes on you. You shiver, chilled to the core for 4 etheric damage.
- Entry 1333 -
29,48,14 (17),18 (19),25 (28),34 (43),12 Etheric Power,3 Evasion Power,8 Fire Power,2 Melee Power,11 Etheric Defense,4 Fire Defense,8 Melee Defense,5 Ranged Defense,8 Stealth Defense,+3 Perception,+1 Reflexes,+3 Strength,+9 Will,Slightly Increased Chance of PvP Encounters,Glow with Impressively Mysterious Light,effects: 1 Bone Scales, 14 Released Cricket, 21 Garage Metal, 21 Fires of Inspiration, 37 Ocean Sight, 205 Powdered Knuckles,
You flick an icy feather towards the serpent like a throwing knife for 5 stealth damage.
you lunges forward with incredible speed and sinkss its icy fangs into you for 7 stealth damage.
You focus your gaze on the serpent, boring deeper into its flesh for 14 etheric damage.
The serpent latches onto you and tears a chunk out of you with its teeth, dealing 2 melee damage.
You call a chunk of the serpent into your waiting mouth, leaving a gaping wound that deals 16 etheric damage.
Your gaze burrows deeper into the serpent. Its flesh peels aside like flower blossoms for 17 etheric damage.
You've won the battle!
You found: 2 lumps of coal
You found: 2 handfuls of unmelting snowflakes
You've earned 1 XP in Perception
You've earned 4 XP in Will
- Entry 1360 -
40,48,14 (17),18 (22),25 (28),34 (43),12 Etheric Power,3 Evasion Power,8 Fire Power,2 Melee Power,11 Etheric Defense,4 Fire Defense,6 Melee Defense,3 Ranged Defense,8 Stealth Defense,+3 Perception,+4 Reflexes,+3 Strength,+9 Will,Slightly Increased Chance of PvP Encounters,Glow with Impressively Mysterious Light,effects: 2 Released Cricket, 2 Sugar Rush, 9 Garage Metal, 9 Fires of Inspiration, 18 Ocean Sight, 193 Powdered Knuckles,
You call a chunk of the serpent into your waiting mouth, leaving a gaping wound that deals 8 etheric damage.
The serpent inhales, then breathes a cloud of sparkling motes on you. You shiver, chilled to the core for 2 etheric damage.
You focus your gaze on the serpent. It feels a strange tingling, then starts bleeding as a hole is bored into its flesh, dealing 2 etheric damage.
The serpent slams its tail down on you dealing 7 melee damage.
You give the serpent the Evil Eye and it bursts into flames. The malefic green fire deals it 9 etheric damage.
you lunges forward and sinkss its icy fangs into you for 4 melee damage.
The serpent latches onto you and tears a chunk out of you with its teeth, dealing 4 melee damage.
- Entry 1361 -
11,28,14 (8),18 (8),25 (8),34 (8),12 Etheric Power,3 Evasion Power,8 Fire Power,2 Melee Power,11 Etheric Defense,4 Fire Defense,6 Melee Defense,3 Ranged Defense,8 Stealth Defense,-6 Perception,-10 Reflexes,-17 Strength,-26 Will,Slightly Increased Chance of PvP Encounters,Glow with Impressively Mysterious Light,effects: 2 Released Cricket, 2 Sugar Rush, 5 Icy Venom, 9 Garage Metal, 9 Fires of Inspiration, 15 Ocean Sight, 193 Powdered Knuckles,
Your gaze burrows deeper into the serpent. Its flesh peels aside like flower blossoms for 19 etheric damage, but the intervening snow blunts your attack, absorbing all of the damage.
The serpent plunges beneath the snow.
You call a chunk of the serpent into your waiting mouth, leaving a gaping wound that deals 16 etheric damage.
The serpent lurks beneath the surface of the snow, leaving only a raised trail as it burrows.
- Entry 1362 -
11,28,14 (8),18 (8),25 (8),34 (8),12 Etheric Power,3 Evasion Power,8 Fire Power,2 Melee Power,11 Etheric Defense,4 Fire Defense,6 Melee Defense,3 Ranged Defense,8 Stealth Defense,-6 Perception,-10 Reflexes,-17 Strength,-26 Will,Slightly Increased Chance of PvP Encounters,Glow with Impressively Mysterious Light,effects: 2 Released Cricket, 2 Sugar Rush, 5 Icy Venom, 9 Garage Metal, 9 Fires of Inspiration, 13 Ocean Sight, 193 Powdered Knuckles,
Your gaze burrows deeper into the serpent. Its flesh peels aside like flower blossoms for 19 etheric damage.
The serpent inhales, then breathes a cloud of sparkling motes on you. You shiver, chilled to the core for 9 etheric damage.
You call a chunk of the serpent into your waiting mouth, leaving a gaping wound that deals 13 etheric damage.
You focus your gaze on the serpent, boring deeper into its flesh for 14 etheric damage.
You give the serpent the Evil Eye and it bursts into flames. The malefic green fire deals it 6 etheric damage.
You've won the battle!
You found: lump of coal
You found: 3 handfuls of unmelting snowflakes
You've earned 1 XP in Perception
You've earned 4 XP in Will