Given the other options available, it might be most efficient to lose to him once, and then win the second time, losing the jumpjet but cutting a battle off of the number of times you must fight him.
Combat Logs vs. The Hammer
Perception: 62 (64)
Reflexes: 18 (26)
Strength: 18 (21)
Will: 24 (28)
2 Power to Techniques Using Perception
Ranged: 10
Melee: -2 Ranged: 2
Increased Reflexes XP from Choice Encounters
Techniques using Perception will be underlined.
You open with a quick shot, dealing 15 damage.
The cyborg brings his hammer down on you for 11 damage.You shoot the cyborg for 16 damage.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.
You escape the cyborg's pursuit.
Perception: 62 (61)
Reflexes: 18 (23)
Strength: 18
Will: 24 (25)
2 Power to Techniques Using Perception
Ranged: 8
Melee: 1 Ranged: 2
Increased Reflexes XP from Choice Encounters
First Aid: 1
Techniques using Perception will be underlined.
You dive for cover.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.You draw a careful bead on the cyborg and fire a narrowly focused stream of bullets, dealing 18 damage.
The cyborg slams into you and deals 3 damage before you can fend off the attack.
You rain bullets down on the cyborg dealing 15 damage.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.You fire a barely aimed shot at the cyborg, scoring a glancing hit for 9 damage.
The cyborg brings his hammer down on you for 12 damage.You pump your remaining rounds into the cyborg, dealing 16 damage.
You've won the battle!
With electrical kit
You check him over for any sign of who might have sent him. Nothing. Even his commlink seems to be brand new, no numbers programmed into it or anything.
He's barely human anymore, just a wall of cyberware. Everything's integrated, even that damned hammer won't budge from his hand.
You scoop up a handful of parts knocked loose during the fight and head on your way.
You found: biomonitor circuit
You found: 3 handfuls of circuit fragments
You found: frayed cable
You learned a new Technique: Hammer Strike (7)
You've earned 1 XP in PerceptionYou've earned 1 XP in Reflexes
You've earned 1 XP in Strength
You've earned 1 XP in Will
Perception: 62 (61)
Reflexes: 18 (23)
Strength: 18
Will: 24 (25)
2 Power to Techniques Using Perception
Ranged: 8
Melee: 1 Ranged: 2
Increased Reflexes XP from Choice Encounters
First Aid: 1
Techniques using Perception will be underlined.
You open with a quick shot, dealing 12 damage.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.You fire a barely aimed shot at the cyborg, scoring a ridiculous hit for 22 damage.
The cyborg brings his hammer down on you for 9 damage.
You dive for cover.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.You shoot the cyborg for 14 damage.
The cyborg brings his hammer down on you for 7 damage.You pump your remaining rounds into the cyborg, dealing 17 damage.
You've won the battle!
With electrical kit
Bleeding from multiple wounds, he collapses to the ground. He didn't stay down last time, so you doublecheck to make sure his pulse has faded.
Yeah, nothing, okay. You help yourself to one of his cybernetic enhancements that was ripped off during the fight.
You found: unshielded jumpjet
You've earned 1 XP in Reflexes
You've earned 3 XP in Strength
Perception: 62 (61)
Reflexes: 18 (23)
Strength: 18
Will: 24 (25)
2 Power to Techniques Using Perception
Ranged: 8
Melee: 1 Ranged: 2
Increased Reflexes XP from Choice Encounters
First Aid: 1
Techniques using Perception will be underlined.
You draw a careful bead on the cyborg and fire a narrowly focused stream of bullets, dealing 16 damage, but the cyborg leaps nimbly out of the way, avoiding all but 5 damage.
The cyborg takes a great leap and tumbles to avoid incoming attacks.You dive for cover.
The cyborg brings his hammer down on you for 11 damage, but you duck behind cover, which absorbs all but 4 damage.
You open with a quick shot, dealing 13 damage.
The cyborg lobs a gas canister at you. You inhale a bit of the gas and begin coughing hard, taking 4 damage internally.You fire a barely aimed shot at the cyborg, scoring a glancing hit for 9 damage.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.The cyborg hammers you unrelentingly, dealing 11 damage.
You open with a quick shot, dealing 24 damage.
The cyborg lobs a gas canister at you. You inhale a bit of the gas and begin coughing hard, taking 7 damage internally.You fire a barely aimed shot at the cyborg, scoring a glancing hit for 12 damage.
You've won the battle!
With electrical kit
That last hit ripped a hole in the cybernetic plating over his right shoulder. Little arcs of electricity dance along the metal, filling the area with the smell of burning flesh.
His sledgehammer slips from his hand and he collapses to the ground.
Even if he gets up again, it'll be hard to chase you without any legs. Suffice it to say, you should be in the clear.
You found: hooked cyberlegs
You found: the Hammer's sledge
After the combat, you patch yourself up, healing 1 hit point.
You choke and cough up some blood, taking another 3 damage internally.
You've earned 1 XP in Perception
You've earned 3 XP in Reflexes
Perception: 12
You check him over for any sign of who might have sent him. Nothing. Even his commlink seems to be brand new, no numbers programmed into it or anything.
He's barely human anymore, just a wall of cyberware. Everything's integrated, even that damned hammer won't budge from his hand.
You scoop up a handful of parts knocked loose during the fight and head on your way.
You found: biomonitor circuit
You found: 2 handfuls of circuit fragments
You found: 2 lengths of frayed cable
Perception: 6
You check him over for any sign of who might have sent him. Nothing. Even his commlink seems to be brand new, no numbers programmed into it or anything.
He's barely human anymore, just a wall of cyberware. Everything's integrated, even that damned hammer won't budge from his hand.
You scoop up a handful of parts knocked loose during the fight and head on your way.
You found: biomonitor circuit
You found: 2 microcapacitors
You found: 2 handfuls of circuit fragments
Perception: 6 (9)
Reflexes: 8 (11)
Strength: 7 (10)
Will: 6 (9)
Fire: 1 Melee: 3 Techniques Using Strength: 2
Etheric: 5 Melee: 2 Stealth: 2
Bonus Melee Power at Short Distance
You approach cautiously and display your open hands. He laughs callously. "I'm not here to chat! I'm here to make sure you don't do anything stupid!"
He pats his hammer into his other hand with a flourish, giving you the chance to draw your own weapon. "Turns out you can't do anything stupid if you're dead."
You dive for cover.
The cyborg lobs a gas canister at you. You inhale a bit of the gas and begin coughing hard, taking 4 damage internally.You punch the cyborg for 4 damage.
The cyborg spins the hammer above his head, building up momentum until you disrupt the attack. You're struck by a glancing blow for 1 damage.
You dive for cover.
The cyborg lobs a gas canister at you. You inhale a bit of the gas and begin coughing hard, taking 8 damage internally.You punch the cyborg for 5 damage.
The cyborg spins the hammer above his head, building up momentum until you disrupt the attack. You're struck by a glancing blow for 2 damage.
You dive for cover.
The cyborg takes a great leap and tumbles to avoid incoming attacks.You punch the cyborg for 3 damage.
The cyborg brings his hammer down on you for 6 damage.You close on the cyborg, then slash him for 7 damage with your bladed gauntlet.
You dive for cover.
The cyborg brings his hammer down on you for 8 damage, but you duck behind cover, which absorbs all but 3 damage.You punch the cyborg for 5 damage, but the cyborg blocks solidly and absorbs all of the damage.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.You close on the cyborg, then slash him for 12 damage with your bladed gauntlet.
You latch onto the cyborg and tear a chunk out of him with your teeth, dealing 6 damage, but the cyborg leaps nimbly out of the way, avoiding all of the damage.
The cyborg takes a great leap and tumbles to avoid incoming attacks.You close on the cyborg, then slash him for 6 damage with your bladed gauntlet.
The cyborg brings his hammer down on you for 8 damage.
You've been beaten to hell!
You learned a new Technique: Hammer Strike
Perception: 6 (9)
Reflexes: 8 (13)
Strength: 7 (10)
Will: 6 (9)
Evasion: 2 Fire: 1 Melee: 3
Etheric: 5 Melee: 2 Stealth: 2
Bonus Melee Power at Short Distance
You approach cautiously and display your open hands. He laughs callously. "I'm not here to chat! I'm here to make sure you don't do anything stupid!"
He pats his hammer into his other hand with a flourish, giving you the chance to draw your own weapon. "Turns out you can't do anything stupid if you're dead."
You bring a hammer-like blow down on the cyborg for 8 damage, but the cyborg leaps nimbly out of the way, avoiding all of the damage.
The cyborg takes a great leap and tumbles to avoid incoming attacks.You punch the cyborg for 1 damage.
The cyborg brings his hammer down on you for 10 damage.You close on the cyborg, then slash him for 8 damage with your bladed gauntlet.
You dive for cover.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.You punch the cyborg for 1 damage.
The cyborg brings his hammer down on you for 12 damage.You close on the cyborg, then slash him for 10 damage with your bladed gauntlet.
You escape the cyborg's pursuit.
Perception: 6 (9)
Reflexes: 8 (11)
Strength: 7 (10)
Will: 6 (9)
Melee: 3
Etheric: 2 Melee: 2
Bonus Melee Power at Short Distance
You approach cautiously and display your open hands. He laughs callously. "I'm not here to chat! I'm here to make sure you don't do anything stupid!"
He pats his hammer into his other hand with a flourish, giving you the chance to draw your own weapon. "Turns out you can't do anything stupid if you're dead."
You bring a hammer-like blow down on the cyborg for 6 damage.
The cyborg tosses a gas grenade at you, but your air is safely filtered.You punch the cyborg, throwing the whole weight of your body behind it and dealing 7 damage.
The cyborg spins the hammer above his head, building up momentum until you disrupt the attack. You're struck by a glancing blow for 2 damage.
You bring a hammer-like blow down on the cyborg for 7 damage, but the cyborg leaps nimbly out of the way, avoiding all of the damage.
The cyborg takes a great leap and tumbles to avoid incoming attacks.You punch the cyborg for 1 damage.
The cyborg brings his hammer down on you for 12 damage.You close on the cyborg, then slash him for 12 damage with your bladed gauntlet.
You snap at the cyborg like a muzzled beast, ramming your headgear into him for 5 damage.
You dive for cover.
The cyborg takes a great leap and tumbles to avoid incoming attacks.You punch the cyborg for 3 damage.
The cyborg tosses a gas grenade at you, but your air is safely filtered.You close on the cyborg, then slash him for 9 damage with your bladed gauntlet.
The cyborg spins the hammer above his head, building up momentum until you disrupt the attack. You're struck by a glancing blow for 2 damage.
You've won the battle!
Bleeding from multiple wounds, he collapses to the ground. He didn't stay down last time, so you doublecheck to make sure his pulse has faded.Yeah, nothing, okay. You help yourself to one of his cybernetic enhancements that was ripped off during the fight.
You found: unshielded jumpjet
You learned a new Technique: Grappler Jab
You've earned 4 XP in Reflexes
Perception: 9
Reflexes: 8 (6)
Strength: 11
Will: 7
Melee: 8
Melee: 5 Ranged: 3
3 First Aid
You snap at the cyborg like a muzzled beast, ramming your headgear into him for 6 damage.
The cyborg tosses a gas grenade at you, but your air is safely filtered.You light a stick of dynamite and roll it next to the cyborg.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.You wrap a live wire around the cyborg, doing 12 damage and sending electricity arcing through the cyborg's form.
The cyborg slams into you and deals 1 damage before you can fend off the attack.The cyborg shakes violently from the current.
The cyborg stands stock still. Smoke pours out of his circuits as they try to compensate for the jolt.
The stick of dynamite explodes beneath the cyborg for 7 damage.
You strike with all your might and deal 12 damage.
The cyborg brings his hammer down on you for 4 damage.You wrap a live wire around the cyborg, doing 8 damage and sending electricity arcing through the cyborg's form, but the cyborg blocks solidly and absorbs all of the damage.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.
You punch the cyborg, throwing the whole weight of your body behind it and dealing 8 damage, but the cyborg blocks solidly and absorbs all of the damage.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.You light a stick of dynamite and roll it next to the cyborg.
The cyborg brings his hammer down on you for 5 damage.The stick of dynamite explodes beneath the cyborg for 7 damage.
You've won the battle!
You check him over for any sign of who might have sent him. Nothing. Even his commlink seems to be brand new, no numbers programmed into it or anything.He's barely human anymore, just a wall of cyberware. Everything's integrated, even that damned hammer won't budge from his hand.
You scoop up a handful of parts knocked loose during the fight and head on your way.
You found: signal analysis circuit
You found: 2 handfuls of circuit fragments
You found: 2 microcapacitors
You learned a new Technique: Hammer Strike (3)
After the combat, you patch yourself up, healing 6 hit points.You've earned 1 XP in Perception
You've earned 2 XP in Strength
You've earned 1 XP in Will
You've gained Will!
Perception: 9
Reflexes: 8 (6)
Strength: 11
Will: 8
Melee: 10
Melee: 5 Ranged: 3
3 First Aid
You punch the cyborg, throwing the whole weight of your body behind it and dealing 14 damage.
The cyborg tosses a gas grenade at you, but your air is safely filtered.The cyborg spins the hammer above his head, building up speed to bring it down in one crushing blow for 5 damage.
You punch the cyborg, throwing the whole weight of your body behind it and dealing 10 damage.
The cyborg tosses a gas grenade at you, but your air is safely filtered.The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.
The cyborg hammers you unrelentingly, dealing 5 damage.
You slam into the cyborg and deal 9 damage before he can fend off the attack, but the cyborg leaps nimbly out of the way, avoiding all of the damage.
The cyborg takes a great leap and tumbles to avoid incoming attacks.You wrap a live wire around the cyborg, doing 11 damage and sending electricity arcing through the cyborg's form.
The cyborg tosses a gas grenade at you, but your air is safely filtered.The cyborg shakes violently from the current.
The cyborg stands stock still. Smoke pours out of his circuits as they try to compensate for the jolt.
You strike with all your might and deal 15 damage.
The cyborg brings his hammer down on you for 4 damage.You wrap a live wire around the cyborg, doing 11 damage and sending electricity arcing through the cyborg's form.
You've won the battle!
Bleeding from multiple wounds, he collapses to the ground. He didn't stay down last time, so you doublecheck to make sure his pulse has faded.Yeah, nothing, okay. You help yourself to one of his cybernetic enhancements that was ripped off during the fight.
You found: unshielded jumpjet
After the combat, you patch yourself up, healing 2 hit points.
You learned a new Technique: Brutality
You've earned 3 XP in StrengthYou've earned 1 XP in Will
Perception: 9
Reflexes: 8 (6)
Strength: 11
Will: 8
Melee: 10
Melee: 5 Ranged: 3
3 First Aid
You approach cautiously and display your open hands. He laughs callously. "I'm not here to chat! I'm here to make sure you don't do anything stupid!"
He pats his hammer into his other hand with a flourish, giving you the chance to draw your own weapon. "Turns out you can't do anything stupid if you're dead."
You strike with all your might and deal 14 damage, but the cyborg blocks solidly and absorbs all of the damage.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.You wrap a live wire around the cyborg, doing 17 damage and sending electricity arcing through the cyborg's form.
The cyborg slams into you and deals 2 damage before you can fend off the attack.The cyborg shakes violently from the current.
The cyborg stands stock still. Smoke pours out of his circuits as they try to compensate for the jolt.
You snap at the cyborg like a muzzled beast, ramming your headgear into him for 11 damage, but the cyborg blocks solidly and absorbs all of the damage.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.You slam into the cyborg and deal 12 damage before he can fend off the attack.
The cyborg brings his hammer down on you for 5 damage.You wrap a live wire around the cyborg, doing 12 damage and sending electricity arcing through the cyborg's form.
You've won the battle!
That last hit ripped a hole in the cybernetic plating over his right shoulder. Little arcs of electricity dance along the metal, filling the area with the smell of burning flesh.His sledgehammer slips from his hand and he collapses to the ground.
Even if he gets up again, it'll be hard to chase you without any legs. Suffice it to say, you should be in the clear.
You found: hooked cyberlegs
You found: the Hammer's sledge
After the combat, you patch yourself up, healing 3 hit points.
You've earned 1 XP in Perception
You've gained Perception!You've earned 3 XP in Strength
It looks like if you beat The Hammer with the message about taking his hammer and breaking his bones and rupturing his organs with it, you don't get to then remove his legs, even if you've got an electrical kit equipped. Got the hammer, but no hooked cyberlegs. So, I guess be careful not to lose to him twice if you're trying to get your hands on those.
Random idea to test: anything special if you beat the hammer while in full cyborg wear?
edit: random combat data:
6 Ranged Power
5 Melee Defense
2 Ranged Defense
The cyborg brings his hammer down on you for 3 melee damage.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.
You arc a stream of bullets high above the cyborg and into him for 18 ranged damage, but the cyborg leaps nimbly out of the way, avoiding all but 8 damage.
The cyborg takes a great leap and tumbles to avoid incoming attacks.
The cyborg brings his hammer down on you for 5 melee damage.
You shoot the cyborg for 5 ranged damage.
The cyborg brings his hammer down on you for 3 melee damage.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.
You hurl a vial of Nitro at the cyborg. It explodes with a resounding boom and deals 4 fire damage.
The cyborg lobs a gas canister at you. You inhale a bit of the gas and begin coughing hard, taking 4 direct damage.
The cyborg spins the hammer above his head, building up speed to bring it down in one crushing blow for 7 melee damage.
You duck behind the cover of your shield.
The cyborg lobs a gas canister at you. You inhale a bit of the gas and begin coughing hard, taking 4 direct damage.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.
The cyborg hammers you unrelentingly, dealing 6 melee damage.
You duck behind the cover of your shield.
The cyborg lobs a gas canister at you. You inhale a bit of the gas and begin coughing hard, taking 4 direct damage.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.
The cyborg hammers you unrelentingly, dealing 3 melee damage.
You duck behind the cover of your shield.
The cyborg lobs a gas canister at you. You inhale a bit of the gas and begin coughing hard, taking 4 direct damage.
The cyborg spins the hammer above his head, building up speed to bring it down in one crushing blow for 5 melee damage.
You duck behind the cover of your shield.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.
The cyborg brings his hammer down on you for 6 melee damage.
The cyborg brings his hammer down on you for 5 melee damage.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.
You duck behind the cover of your shield.
The cyborg lobs a gas canister at you. You inhale a bit of the gas and begin coughing hard, taking 6 direct damage.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.
The cyborg hammers you unrelentingly, dealing 5 melee damage.
You duck behind the cover of your shield.
The cyborg lobs a gas canister at you. You inhale a bit of the gas and begin coughing hard, taking 5 direct damage.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.
The cyborg hammers you unrelentingly, dealing 6 melee damage.
You duck behind the cover of your shield.
The cyborg takes a great leap and tumbles to avoid incoming attacks.
The cyborg brings his hammer down on you for 3 melee damage.
You duck behind the cover of your shield.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.
The cyborg hammers you unrelentingly, dealing 4 melee damage.
You duck behind the cover of your shield.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.
The cyborg hammers you unrelentingly, dealing 4 melee damage.
The cyborg takes a great leap and tumbles to avoid incoming attacks.
The cyborg brings his hammer down on you for 4 melee damage.
The cyborg brings his hammer down on you for 4 melee damage, but you duck behind your shield, which absorbs all of the damage.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.
The cyborg takes a great leap and tumbles to avoid incoming attacks.
The cyborg brings his hammer down on you for 4 melee damage.
You duck behind the cover of your shield.
The cyborg lobs a gas canister at you. You inhale a bit of the gas and begin coughing hard, taking 5 direct damage.
The cyborg spins the hammer above his head, building up speed to bring it down in one crushing blow for 8 melee damage.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.
The cyborg hammers you unrelentingly, dealing 4 melee damage.
The cyborg lobs a gas canister at you. You inhale a bit of the gas and begin coughing hard, taking 4 direct damage.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.
The cyborg hammers you unrelentingly, dealing 6 melee damage.
You duck behind the cover of your shield.
The cyborg takes a great leap and tumbles to avoid incoming attacks.
The cyborg lobs a gas canister at you. You inhale a bit of the gas and begin coughing hard, taking 5 direct damage.
The cyborg spins the hammer above his head, building up speed to bring it down in one crushing blow for 7 melee damage.
The cyborg lobs a gas canister at you. You inhale a bit of the gas and begin coughing hard, taking 4 direct damage.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.
The cyborg hammers you unrelentingly, dealing 5 melee damage.
The cyborg lobs a gas canister at you. You inhale a bit of the gas and begin coughing hard, taking 7 direct damage.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.
The cyborg hammers you unrelentingly, dealing 3 melee damage.
The cyborg takes a great leap and tumbles to avoid incoming attacks.
The cyborg lobs a gas canister at you. You inhale a bit of the gas and begin coughing hard, taking 6 direct damage.
The cyborg spins the hammer above his head, building up speed to bring it down in one crushing blow for 6 melee damage.
The cyborg takes a great leap and tumbles to avoid incoming attacks.
The cyborg brings his hammer down on you for 4 melee damage.
The cyborg lobs a gas canister at you. You inhale a bit of the gas and begin coughing hard, taking 4 direct damage.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.
The cyborg hammers you unrelentingly, dealing 3 melee damage.
You duck behind the cover of your shield.
The cyborg lobs a gas canister at you. You inhale a bit of the gas and begin coughing hard, taking 7 direct damage.
The cyborg spins the hammer above his head, building up speed to bring it down in one crushing blow for 10 melee damage.
The cyborg sets his cybernetic legs solidly and prepares for a powerful parry.
The cyborg hammers you unrelentingly, dealing 3 melee damage.
I think the number of instances of Hammer Strike you learn from beating this guy must scale with something. I unlocked him for my latest reset, with the idea of maybe poking around a bit, maybe keeping him around for post-Vigilante stuff, and had been just ignoring him for quite a while but finally decided to take him down. This is my result on the first fight:
You lay into the cyborg for 30 melee damage.
The cyborg tosses a gas grenade at you, but your air is safely filtered.You punch the cyborg, throwing the whole weight of your body behind it and dealing 18 melee damage.
The cyborg spins the hammer above his head, building up momentum until you disrupt the attack. You're struck by a glancing blow for 1 melee damage.You drop any pretense of civility and suddenly club the cyborg for 28 melee damage.
You snap at the cyborg like a muzzled beast, ramming your headgear into him for 17 melee damage.
You've won the battle!
You check him over for any sign of who might have sent him. Nothing. Even his commlink seems to be brand new, no numbers programmed into it or anything.
He's barely human anymore, just a wall of cyberware. Everything's integrated, even that damned hammer won't budge from his hand.
You scoop up a handful of parts knocked loose during the fight and head on your way.
You found: biomonitor circuit
You found: 2 lengths of frayed cable
You found: 2 handfuls of circuit fragments
You learned a new Technique: Hammer Strike (10)After the combat, you patch yourself up, healing 4 hit points.
You've earned 2 XP in Reflexes
You've earned 2 XP in Strength
Stats are:
Perception: 97 (104)
Reflexes: 96
Strength: 93
Will: 68 (79)
6 Etheric Power
12 Melee Power
9 Etheric Defense
12 Melee Defense
1 Ranged Defense
5 Stealth Defense
+7 Perception
+11 Will
Moderately Increased Fishing Yield
2 First Aid
Hat: heavy containment helmet
Weapon: twisting silver blade
Offhand: shield of scales
Shirt: shark hide vest
Pants: shark hide pants
Gadget: salvaging tools
Ocean Sight (65)
Techniques: Headbutt(1), Ghoul Bite(4), Beatdown(1), Lakebed Grapple(3), Crushing Punch(4), Clashing Blow(4)