So far tested with:
agar powder X
anxiety medication x
black spores x
border slammer x
chocolate gelt x
dehydrated eyedrops x
destroying angel x
dynamite x
ease x
eclipse x
ectoplasmic sample x
flask of tears x
fungus spear x
gas grenade x
ghoul teeth x
gold foil x
grain alcohol x
hound dust x
IV bag x
lake serpent sample x
larval acid x
legal firework x
loose scales x
mutant cell culture - treated cell culture
nitro x
nova x
Omnitech trauma bandage x
painkiller x
pep pill x
petrol sludge x
powdered glass x
powerful acid x
putrid mass x
shaman staff x
shriveled hand x
silver ingot x
sludge heart x
spider eggs x
spider venom sample x
tendril ointment x
tiny squid eyes x
toxic Eclipse x
truffle x
warty toadstool x
water sapphire x
white flakes x
withered tendrils x
That's all I've got, and I'm too impatient to use the syringe to get what I'm missing.