- find the slick balling stainless thing
- check multiuse demo for typos
- try to use cracked sample track as well (also corrupted by protection removal)
- that list of 3 things again, one is definitely there but "unexpected effect." Tried sampling the tree a bunch already so focus on others.
- turn ink extract into squid eyes
- reset
Owned unearthly items to explore: black tablet shard, charmed chain, HGS prototype
On hold:
- gunman hologram – need more black silver
- stockpile body / silver oil for kraken pearl farming
- toxic crystal/venomous angel/toxic eyeball w/ all techs
- First Aid the boxer's arm (unlikely)
- test hound drone memory release message without having any known hound techs already
- fight another monstrous pinata: with baseball bat, mirror gazing mirror, and candy bowl
- Monarch's Call the flooded mine shaft
- Subversion testing
- winter wading (with fire power?)
- the massive to-trowel list
- when the mirror is available in-run, try unlocking all Reflections of the Path Before You in one run
- try to kill self with ancient resilience and debuffs
- fleeing pool shark with punk uprising quest
When kronze gets mall access:
I owe kronze art museum model and that halloween book
(but kronze is inactive)
In the beginning, men were mortal.