Just got this new message:
A beautiful voice, so flawless it could never pass through a mortal throat, whispers into your mind. "You've seen it's no mere drug or contagion. You could no sooner cure me of my condition than I could cure you of yours."
This was using the drowning flame with crystal grace still active from last time. I'm not sure whether or not it's a coincidence.
Both times I've gotten this message:
The face seems to smile. Whoever she is… and you're suddenly certain it's female… she's happy.
I have had more than the minimum number of charges in the flame. Not sure whether or not that's just a coincidence too. I was thinking it meant the woman wants me to charge the crystal more, but in light of this message maybe it just means she's happy being a crystal spirit or whatever. (As far as I know nobody has really played around with overcharging the drowning form since early spading to determine whether or not there was a tier 3 form.)
I've been spending a lot of time in the damaged buildings because of guaranteed combats and Al's message about the burnt out husk of a building, but thinking about it now that's probably referring to the fire in the Student Dorms. Maybe I should go back to locations near water to see if anything good happens in proximity to the ocean, say with the Ocean Song effect active.
I also recently got an augmented version of an earlier message [emphasis added to indicate new bit]:
The strange light suggests seaweed and a great chasm. Supplicants surround the chasm, raising their heads in song. As you stare, tentacles snake their way out of the chasm.
Maybe I have to summon some Thing to get that last technique Kinak mentioned on the podcast? Hope I don't need a tome of binding…
I'm open to suggestions about how to proceed. I've been just charging it up and using it to see if I get a new message. If any of you folks have clever ideas about other stuff to try I'd love to hear them.