Got this for the first time - random likely-useless spading info:
Equipped: crystalline flame, full containment suit,
Effects: Crystal mind, not etheric
Bonuses: 4 Etheric Power, 2 Melee Power, 15 Etheric Defense, 2 Melee Defense, 3 Ranged Defense, 3 Perception, -1 Reflexes, 3 Strength, 7 Will, Slightly Increased Chance of Will XP
Fighting Writhing Mass on the first floor of damage buildings:
You dive for cover.
The writhing mass lashes you with a tentacle, dealing 4 damage, but you duck behind cover, which absorbs all of the damage.You punch the writhing mass, throwing the whole weight of your body behind it and dealing 9 damage.
The writhing mass grabs you with its tentacles, but you manage to fight them back.You stab into the writhing mass, accompanied with an out-of-place sound like crystals shattering. The swift attack deals 10 damage.
You dive and tumble like an action hero.
The writhing mass lashes you with a tentacle, dealing 4 damage, but you tumble out of the way, avoiding all but 1 damage.You bring a hammer-like blow down on the writhing mass for 10 damage.
You punch the writhing mass, throwing the whole weight of your body behind it and dealing 10 damage.
You stab into the writhing mass, accompanied with an out-of-place sound like crystals shattering. The swift attack deals 9 damage.
You dive and tumble like an action hero.
The writhing mass lashes you with a tentacle, dealing 4 damage, but you tumble out of the way, avoiding all but 1 damage.You bring a hammer-like blow down on the writhing mass for 12 damage.
You punch the writhing mass, throwing the whole weight of your body behind it and dealing 10 damage.
You've won the battle!
You found: 2 lead pipes
The energy of the crystal continues to burn inside you, binding you closer.
You learned a new Technique: Fist of the Herald
This was the first time I used two of the crystal stab things in the same combat… coincidence? I'll have to try again.