I finally got the fishing skill (at tainted shoreline), and it started at "Master". I had been alternating between tainted shoreline and ghost ship for a few days.
In a probably futile attempt to see how long it take to advance the skill, fishing results:
at docks:
(high test)
1 waterlogged crate, 2 mollusks
lake bluegill, smelly old pants
lake bluegill, high test fishing line
pitted thermos, filthy pistol, lake bluegill
waterlogged crate
waterlogged crate, 3 fresh mollusks
waterlogged crate, 3 fresh mollusks
(forgot high test at some point around here)
2 filthy pistols, empty can
3 lake bluegills, dock pike
2 lake bluegills, smelly old pants
empty can, smelly old pants, dock pike, filthy pistol
(using high test again)
high test fishing line, 3 dock pikes, lake bluegill*
high test fishing line, dock pike, empty can
high test fishing line, 3 dock pikes, lake bluegill*
waterlogged crate, 3 fresh mollusks
lake bluegill, dock pike, filthy pistol, high test fishing line
high test fishing line, 2 lake bluegills, 2 dock pikes*
waterlogged crate
waterlogged crate
waterlogged crate*
waterlogged crate
lakebottom rock, 3 fresh mollusks
new fishing pole, 4 dock pikes
lakebottom rock, 2 fresh mollusks
new fishing pole, 2 lake bluegills, 2 dock pikes
pitted thermos, 2 lake bluegills
waterlogged crate, 2 fresh mollusks
lakebottom rock
waterlogged crate, 3 fresh mollusks
3 lake bluegills, empty can
waterlogged crate, 3 fresh mollusks
(high test runs out here)
lake bluegill, pitted thermos, 2 dock pikes
(or maybe here)
filthy pistol, 2 lake bluegills, smelly old pants
3 lake bluegills
3 lake bluegills
(high test again)
high test fishing line, 2 dock pikes, 2 lake bluegills*
waterlogged crate, 3 fresh mollusks
waterlogged crate
lakebottom rock, 2 fresh mollusks
lakebottom rock, 2 fresh mollusks
waterlogged crate, 3 fresh mollusks*
"It says you caught a 81 pound bass, which beats your previous best of 3 pounds"
lakebottom rock
new fishing pole, 3 lake bluegills, dock pike*
lakebottom rock, 2 fresh mollusks*
high test fishing line, 2 pairs of smelly old pants
lakebottom rock, 2 fresh mollusks*
waterlogged crate, 2 fresh mollusks
high test fishing line, 3 lake bluegills, dock pike
waterlogged crate, 2 fresh mollusks
lakebottom rock, 2 fresh mollusks
waterlogged crate*
waterlogged crate, 2 fresh mollusks
filthy pistol, pitted thermos
high test fishing line, 3 dock pikes, lake bluegill
2 pairs of smelly old pants, lake bluegill
"It says you caught a 84 pound bass, which beats your previous best of 81 pounds"
then at tainted shoreline:
Somewhere between here…
lakebottom rock, 3 fresh mollusks
lakebottom rock
waterlogged shirt, lake pearl
lakebottom rock, 2 fresh mollusks
lake pearl, damp seaweed
… and here skill got to Awesome
lakebottom rock, 3 fresh mollusks
lakebottom rock, 3 fresh mollusks
lakebottom rock, 2 fresh mollusks
damp seaweed, empty can
lakebottom rock, 3 fresh mollusks
Back to docks again:
3 lake bluegills, smelly old pants
lakebottom rock*
lake bluegill, 2 tangles of high test fishing line
high test fishing line, 3 lake bluegills, dock pike
lake bluegill, high test fishing line
Day 2:
smelly old pants, 2 lake bluegills, empty can (no high test)
lakebottom rock, 3 fresh mollusks
lakebottom rock, 2 fresh mollusks
4 dock pikes
waterlogged crate, 2 fresh mollusks*
lake bluegill, dock pike, pitted thermos, smelly old pants
"It says you caught a 71 pound bass"
At shoreline:
empty can, damp seaweed
withered tendrils, empty can, damp seaweed
withered tendrils, waterlogged shirt
lakebottom rock
Ghost ship:
skullfish, silverware remnants, lake pearl
(whole bunch more here that I lost when my page reloaded. Up to incredible at some point along the way)
* hidden fishing spot on docks