Inspired by Cryptodynamic's result, I tried adventuring in the Dockside Sewers. Melee deck, with a genuine hawk feather equipped. I started with 40 energy of Ocean Sight and 64 of Dark Wind. Since Crypto chose actions appropriate to the effect he had running rather than the feather he had equipped, I tried to pick non-fight choices, except for the first time when I screwed up. So I got:
Combats: 10 (3x Bat Swarm, 3x Rat King, 4x Lake Serpent)
Choices: 7 (3x Mushroom Man "Follow him"; 3x Sewer Rat "Wade through"; 1x Sewer Rat "Charge the rat")
Wound up with 5 energy of Vile Camouflage, 23 of Ocean Sight, and 47 of Dark Wind. I got the convulse/writhe in pain message. Definitely a fail. Maybe it's an unlock of some sort, but it doesn't look as much like one as the raven feather being absorbed into your skin. Pretty sure you can get this message without Dark Wind active, whereas the absorb message with the raven feather looks more specifically tied to having Soft Wind. Maybe you have to do the unlocks in some sort of order?
The bit in the Guiding Wind description about "That said, you're sure you could find a less brutal instructor. The lashing winds are anything but gentle." suggests that maybe you should look for owl-ish gentleness when you have Guiding Wind active.