Me from a couple years ago:
I managed to avoid all ghouls by standing still at 3 Will. I'm either very lucky or it's based on some factor other than Will?
Me from today:
I failed to run avoid both of the ghouls with 33 Will.
Experiments with stealth power will ensue.
EDIT: data:
With 0 stealth power, 30(33) will: 2 ghouls
With 0 stealth power, 30(33) will: avoided
With 0 stealth power, 30(33) will: 2 ghouls
With 0 stealth power, 30(33) will: avoided
With 0 stealth power, 30(33) will: 2 ghouls
With 0 stealth power, 30(33) will: 2 ghouls
With 0 stealth power, 30(33) will: avoided
With 0 stealth power, 31(34) will: 2 ghouls
With 0 stealth power, 31(34) will: 2 ghouls
With 0 stealth power, 31(36) will: avoided
With 1 stealth power, 31(33) will: avoided
With 1 stealth power, 31(33) will: 2 ghouls
With 1 stealth power, 31(33) will: 2 ghouls
With 1 stealth power, 31(33) will: 2 ghouls
With 3 stealth power, 31(33) will: 2 ghouls
With 3 stealth power, 31(33) will: avoided