Theory: getting the grisly crown of teeth and dark rose would unlock new things to draw if you wind up with Stolen Artistry. Another possibility is that they are important for the "bow" or "flee" options. I was hoping that having both would let me replace the Towering Figure as the new ghoul king after defeating him, what with having a crown and the acceptance of his subjects and all, but no such luck.
I believe the "bow" result mentioned the "dark rose", so it's probably a requirement for etheric seed. And there's probably a different skill if you don't have one (or maybe you have to go back and get one before it works).
Edit: yeah, that was put on the wiki already in the intervening coupla weeks. No skill without the rose.
In the beginning, men were mortal.
The blazing skull lets you into the tunnels of the black book… not sure about the crown.
I'm trying to figure out what to do with the grisly crown of teeth. I got it and then unsystematically went around to every choice that seemed like it might possibly have something to do with it and got nothing. Kinak says when I figure out what it does I'd notice. I guess I could make a list of every possible choice and just brute force it, unless you need to have some special piece of equipment equipped or effect active or something. I sorta imagined figuring out what the grisly crown does would be internal to the sketchbook, but maybe not.
EDIT: Uh-oh. Kinak sez:
Let's just say you may have to bring in resources you don't even know exist to solve it.
Kinak says on the podcast that there are three mysteries sill in the sketchbook that he can think of off the top of his head. One is the grisly crown of teeth, which has another "moving part" that he have yet to find.
I doubt this would help with that, but maybe it'd get us somewhere with another mystery. If you "Search for sketches following them" with the Ghoulish Trio, you get told
A few snippets of them herding their prey into calderas then fishing out the crisped corpses are kind of interesting.
Maybe something interesting happens if you get yourself Severely Charred and pick "Find out if he feeds them" without a collection of your own limbs in inventory?
Nothing special happened when I bowed to the Towering Figure with a black rose and the bone scepter equipped. I had not yet gotten Ghoultouched in case an "unused" scepter would be more enticing to the figure.
So, after getting the gun, I went back to the grave, rubbed out the name, wrote in a ghoul name, then tried to dig it up and found a jade amulet. I then paid my respects to get the rose bud, and went to the ghouls to get the dark rose. The jade amulet vanished from the hero's inventory in my quest log. I then went back and dug up the grave again and got another one. The next time I tried digging I got beaten up. I thought it might be buggy, and Kinak had this to say:
Congrats! But, that's genuine weirdness rather than code weirdness, so you shouldn't need any help from me.
It doesn't seem to have unlocked anything to be drawn by Stolen Artistry, nor did it seem to provide a new drop from the black stone beast. Possibly it was an intermediate step for unlocking something else within the book, or the key to getting a skill the way the gun or the rose are. Guess someone else will have to try that out. :/
I thought of this when it was too late to test, but it might be worth choosing to fight the Towering Figure with the jade amulet but without the gun. The amulet seems to have some sort of protective power — maybe this would trigger it? (Choosing to fight with the gun AND the amulet gave Undying Heart as expected.)