mine was Mr. Hippity Hip:
A student you don't recognize, other than his trendy clothes and glazed look, greets you as you approach the dorm. He gives you a thumbs up as you approach. "The Man kept us down, but I saw you fighting the good fight. Here, I grabbed you some swag."
"Now, I only got a couple of these, but they wouldn't let us sell them inside… jerks. Anyway, I think you should have one." He hands you a stuffed representation of Emerald Gift's singer along with a pile of lollipops.
You found: Emerald Gift doll
You found: 9 Emerald lollipops
There are also a couple packages here with your name on them, saying they're from the "Volunteer Committee" and "Trick or Treat Committee" respectively.
Hey, more candy!
You found: pumpkin lollipop
You found: peanut butter candy
You found: candy corn
You found: 2 candy eyeballs
Happy Halloween!