Does enybody else notice that option #4 sometimes change from "Walk around" to "Skirt around"? I think it's "walk around" for pop and "skirt around" for harsh, didn't try spooky yet …
Rum Addled doesn't work either. I tried with Happy Hour and that worked. I tried Rum Addled again with Party Lights and without Happy Hour. That didn't work.
I feel it's pretty much confirmed whoever made this "drunkenness" category was not the most thorough of fellows.
With Imported Metal playing and not having changed the music since asking for something heavy, I ended up getting this result:
You thrash around for a bit, but your music and the stuff they're pumping over the speakers aren't really getting along. Your comm's powerful enough it's audible, but definitely not powerful enough to drown out the stuff they're playing.
You've earned 2 XP in Strength
A note to past Vholes. We now have art for those kinds of people.
A side note to current self. I did not try all relevant effects at attempting to dance to music. I was missing fae blessing. To be continued.
Christmas Generosity
You found: Eclipse
You found: 2 battered cred chips
You found: Metros Light
You found: Legion tract
You found: 3 battered cred chips
You found: Eclipse
You found: 2 fresh cred chips
You found: Eclipse
You found: 2 fresh cred chips
You found: caramel bar
You found: Brain Staples single
You found: fresh cred chip
You found: 2 battered cred chips
You found: caramel bar
You found: 2 battered cred chips
You found: fresh cred chip
You found: Metros Light
You found: 3 battered cred chips
You found: Eclipse
You found: 2 battered cred chips
You found: caramel bar
You found: Brain Staples single
You found: 2 battered cred chips
You found: Legion tract
You found: 2 battered cred chips
You found: fresh cred chip
You found: 2 tablets of Eclipse
You found: fresh cred chip
You found: 2 battered cred chips
You found: Eclipse
You found: battered cred chip
You found: 2 fresh cred chips
You found: 2 tablets of Eclipse
You found: 2 battered cred chips
You found: Brain Staples single
You found: 3 battered cred chips
You found: Brain Staples single
You found: fresh cred chip
You found: battered cred chip
You found: Brain Staples single
You found: fresh cred chip
You found: battered cred chip
You found: Metros Light
You found: 3 fresh cred chips
You found: Brain Staples single
You found: 2 battered cred chips
You found: caramel bar
You found: Legion tract
You found: battered cred chip
You found: fresh cred chip
You found: Metros Light
You found: caramel bar
You found: fresh cred chip
You found: battered cred chip
You found: Legion tract
You found: battered cred chip
You found: 2 fresh cred chips
You found: caramel bar
You found: fresh cred chip
You found: battered cred chip
You found: caramel bar
You found: Legion tract
You found: fresh cred chip
You found: battered cred chip
When harsh music is playing, there is nothing special happening for having Headbutt in your inventory, and having a drunk effect active. This was tested with conflicting music, no music and Brain Staples.
Writing for the long-neglected GOC Casefiles canon.