Okay xKiv, Mr. "Captain Obvious," apparently we need a talk.
I've looked ALL OVER the wiki and forums and not ONE person said outright that "Hey guys! I've been subverting and I keep getting directed at this guy's Hub. I've been trying to avoid it cause it's too tough but I always get redirected to it. That must be one of the things Hubs do! Force the links you get from subverting to be directed to the Hub!"
Not one person said that. The CLOSEST I saw to that is someone saying almost offhanded that they got a link to someone's Hub after subverting another Hub of there. I would not take that one post as conclusive. One, because of the special circumstance of that being a subverted Hub. Two, because that's basically just one datapoint.
So my plea, my inquiry to the wikiers of this game, was to see if this was simply another case of something most people in the scene knew but for whatever reason never documented. Cause, to me, never having pursued people who have Hubs on their network before, I could not be sure what will happen
Imagine my position. After some difficulty, I manage to extract from Penguinpyro that the purpose of Hubs is to direct subverters to them? Sounds strange at first. To spend a difficult resource to direct people to apparently go and take it? But it makes some sense after some thought. Now, I've finally turned my attention to xerf, someone I understood to have an abundance of hubs, after drying out xKiv. Imagine, then, my befuddlement when I begin subverting xerf's sites and not get the results I expected. Getting links to a multitude of sites which aren't hubs.
I could not be certain what was going on. Could Penguinpyro not be quite correct in his own spading? It wouldn't be the first. I was getting potentially valuable spading data points. But without understanding all the factors in play that data could be worse than nothing.
Do you understand now, Captain Obvious? Or does my situation contain too many subtleties for you to grasp? Really I'm surprised at you. I've seen you make many lengthy posts extrapolating difficult data and inferring complicated formulae that may be in play. I would have thought you of all people would understand why I was unwilling to simply assume what was truly going on from a situation I had almost no personal experience in.
I'm not sure about you, xKiv. But, I believe I've made my case for all the other folks on the wiki.