Perception: 9
Reflexes: 8 (3)
Strength: 9
Will: 7
Melee: 10
Melee: 8 Ranged: 8
Slightly Increased Chance of PvP Encounters
3 Memory
2 Processor
3 First Aid
He roars with laughter. "Alright then, prepare for eternity!"
You attempt to distract the ghoul king, but he sees through your ruse and the attack only deals 3 damage.
The ghoul king punches you, throwing the whole weight of his body behind it and dealing 2 damage.
You punch the ghoul king, throwing the whole weight of your body behind it and dealing 22 damage.
The ghoul king pulls back his head and spits a stream of acid at you, dealing 2 damage.
You wait until the last moment, then leap into the ghoul king, dealing 17 damage.
A cascade of flames emerges from the king's hands, scorching you for 12 damage.
You punch the ghoul king for 17 damage, but the king's sudden jump avoids all but 5 damage.
The ghoul king leaps a shocking distance straight up.
You wait until the last moment, then leap into the ghoul king, dealing 18 damage.
The ghoul king punches you, throwing the whole weight of his body behind it and dealing 2 damage.
The ghoul king pulls back his head and spits a stream of acid at you, dealing 2 damage.
You punch the ghoul king, throwing the whole weight of your body behind it and dealing 17 damage.
The king's jaw unhinges and a massive swarm of bats flies out, engulfing you. So many bats, so… many… bats.
You're totally surrounded by shrieking bats. You flail your arms and scream until they finally leave.
You've won the battle!
You found: the bone scepter
You learned a new Technique: Ghoul Bite
The ghoul king's body hits the floor and shatters like glass. You hear a rumble from above and have a sinking suspicion of what comes next.
Giant slabs of stone begin falling from the ceiling, crushing scattering ghouls and plunging into lakes of fire. You run and run until you find yourself back on the streets near the Docks.
Behind you, the charnel house stands as though nothing had happened. Certainly it isn't plunging into a sink hole. Something does seem different, though, like some dark presence has been erased.
After the combat, you patch yourself up, healing 6 hit points.
You've earned 2 XP in Perception
You've earned 2 XP in Reflexes
You've earned 4 XP in Strength
You've gained Strength!
You've earned 1 XP in Will