Tested this with everything known to be codable, except combining two of itself. There's still a couple more blanks in the recipe/item IDs though, so I bet there's still another step or two to go.
The Unstable, Recursive and Network Integrators have all also been tested with every known piece of codable data, except for Unstable Inegrator + Unstable Inegrator.
I've also double checked the codability status of most programs (checking if something was marked as non-codable in the wiki but is now craftable). Confirmed everything except the following:
- sloppy decompiler
- fast D
- protein hijacker
- protein seeder
- protein receiver
- (and a handful of halloween holograms and doctor recordings, which seem rather unlikely)
EDIT: xerf kindly tested injector + injector, with no success. Unstable+unstable turn out to give collapsed integrator.