I remember trying really really hard to get the Ghoul Maw to proke but failing when I had incredible numbness. I thought it was because I didn't have ghoultouched. But, then I got it during this run? Maybe I didn't use ghoul bites in my last attempt with incredible numbness? That would be quite the oversight on my part.
I just got a message after combat with this, but I only got the "The gnashings of the ghoul maw remind you sickeningly of your own hunger." part, and the technique. Possibly the difference is because I didn't actually eat somebody in this fight.
So there seems to be three (or more) levels of sickening hunger - the original message, Crypto's above, and Barton's new won. Perhaps related to your current hunger?
Some probably-non-important stuff we found which might help other people (or future selves) spade this:
- Etheric not required (at least for the "remind you of your own hunger." Barton got)
- Melee (including Ghoul Bite) not required - got this with an all ranged deck
- Early in the day, I got it my first encounter, then every 4-5 fights after that for a number of times (~5). Then I ran out of etheric and I didn't get it again for the rest of the day (another ~25 energy).
- I had the Ghoultouched skill but it wasn't activated. Not sure if it's required (but see Ark's comment above).
At 25-27 hunger, got:
The gnashings of the ghoul maw remind you sickeningly of your own hunger. A metallic taste floods your perception, drowning out everything else for a moment, even sight.
Got the Ghoul Maw to trigger. On the hope that it triggering will unleash the hidden potential of the Hungry Doll. It didn't work. Not with the twisted voodoo doll. I had a lot of difficulty, though, getting the ghoul maw to trigger at all. Took a few days. Because of this, I'm going to make a log of this latest activation.
You lay into the corpse for 16 damage.
Kidney punches aren't quite as effective from the front, but the corpse gives it the old college try and deals 4 damage to you.You punch the corpse, throwing the whole weight of your body behind it and dealing 14 damage.
The corpse slams into you and deals 7 damage before you can fend off the attack.You hammer the corpse unrelentingly, dealing 10 damage.
You latch onto the corpse and tear a chunk out of it with your teeth, dealing 10 damage.
You've won the battle!
You found: zombie shirtYou found: ancient saber
You found: ancient gold coins
After the combat, you patch yourself up, healing 4 hit points.
The gnashings of the ghoul maw remind you sickeningly of your own hunger. A metallic taste floods your perception, drowning out everything else for a moment, even sight.
You learned a new Technique: Ghoul Bite
Fight lasted two rounds. First round I used Brutality -> Ghoul Bite. Both attacks were deflected by a Dive for Cover -> Parry combo. Next round is as shown above. It was a battle where I sustained 15 damage.
Hunger: 32
- Did not eat anything today
- Was first fight of the day
- Ate less than the hunger I gained yesterday
Puzzled Out (2)
Ocean Song (4)
Eyes of the Inspired (8)
The Jitters (9)
Smiling Artist (14)
Ocean Sight (63)
Burning Vision (66)
Hat: twitch visor
Weapon: ghoul maw
Offhand: hungry doll
Shirt: bulletproof vest
Pants: armored pants
Gadget: black rose bloom
Perception: 100 (90)
Reflexes: 49
Strength: 50
Will: 100 (103)
22 Etheric Power
2 Fire Power
6 Melee Power
1 Ranged Power
-3 Stealth Power
2 Evasion Power
7 Etheric Defense
5 Fire Defense
2 Melee Defense
11 Ranged Defense
-10 Perception
+3 Will
Slightly Increased Chance of Etheric Encounters
Moderately Increased Fishing Yield
3 Code Finesse
4 Bonus Eclipse Duration
2 First Aid
Blessed of the Seas
Born of Sorrow
Common Dreams
Eclipse Conduit
Efficient Hacking
Emerald Meditation
Engineer Explosives
Experienced Observer
Experimental Chemistry
Expert Salvager
Fire Trained
Focused Mind
Long Lost Nostalgia
Lord of Nightmares
Lotus Map
Ocean Eyes
On The Prowl
Quantum Mechanics
Secrets of the Cube
Servant of the Mask
Simple Coding
Sushi Chef
Trauma Tech
Urban Lore
Warrior of the Seas
I got the ghoul maw to trigger again. Didn't even use ANY techs of ghoul bite this time. It was a fight against 4 Midgard Scientists, and I took a ton of damage. Over 50 damage. Maybe that's the key. To take damage. I used every single tech type except range in that fight.
Eyes of the Inspired (3)
Puzzled Out (3)
The Jitters (4)
Fearsome Whispers (5)
Reactive Patching (6)
Smiling Artist (9)
Coughing Fit (13)
Red Alert (19)
Ocean Sight (51)
Burning Vision (61)
Hat: ghoulish crown
Weapon: ghoul maw
Offhand: twisted voodoo doll
Shirt: shark hide vest
Pants: elegantly torn pants
Gadget: black rose bloom
Perception: 100 (99)
Reflexes: 49 (62)
Strength: 50
Will: 100 (109)
27 Etheric Power
2 Fire Power
6 Melee Power
1 Ranged Power
-3 Stealth Power
2 Evasion Power
7 Etheric Defense
3 Melee Defense
2 Ranged Defense
2 Stealth Defense
5 Reactive Defense
-1 Perception
+13 Reflexes
+9 Will
Moderately Increased Chance of Combat Encounters
Slightly Increased Chance of Etheric Encounters
Moderately Increased Fishing Yield
4 Bonus Eclipse Duration
2 First Aid
Blessed of the Seas
Born of Sorrow
Common Dreams
Eclipse Conduit
Efficient Hacking
Emerald Meditation
Engineer Explosives
Experienced Observer
Experimental Chemistry
Expert Salvager
Fire Trained
Focused Mind
Long Lost Nostalgia
Lord of Nightmares
Lotus Map
Ocean Eyes
On The Prowl
Quantum Mechanics
Secrets of the Cube
Servant of the Mask
Simple Coding
Sushi Chef
Trauma Tech
Urban Lore
Warrior of the Seas
You slip into a fevered trance, then shout in a strange tongue. Tentacles burst from your chest and lash the twisted figure for 45 damage.
The twisted figure pulls back its head and spits a stream of acid at you, dealing 8 damage.Your eyes blaze out from the stony mask of your face, burning the twisted figure with green flame for 35 damage.
The twisted figure punches you, throwing the whole weight of its body behind it and dealing 2 damage.You blaze with a sheath of green flame that reaches out to burn the twisted figure for 14 damage.
You inhale, then breathe a cloud of sparkling motes on the twisted figure. It shivers, chilled to the core for 47 damage.
You've won the battle!
You learned a new Technique: Primitive Attack
After the combat, you patch yourself up, healing 1 hit point.The gnashings of the ghoul maw remind you sickeningly of your own hunger. A metallic taste floods your perception, drowning out everything else for a moment, even sight.
You learned a new Technique: Ghoul Bite
You regain 6 hit points!You've earned 3 XP in Reflexes
You've earned 1 XP in Strength
HUNGER: 30/40
[Fearsome Strength (1)
Inspired Imagination (2)
Bone Scales (11)
Fae Sight (40)
Writhing Flesh (140)
Hat: ghoulish crown
Weapon: ghoul maw
Offhand: preserved cell culture
Shirt: stained bandages
Pants: ratty suit pants
Gadget: black rose
Perception: 37
Reflexes: 46
Strength: 44 (53)
Will: 44 (48)
16 Etheric Power
2 Evasion Power
8 Melee Power
1 Stealth Power
2 Etheric Defense
4 Melee Defense
2 Ranged Defense
+9 Strength
+4 Will
Moderately Increased Chance of Combat Encounters
4 Bonus Eclipse Duration
1 First Aid