Hey Kinak, hope things are doing well.
For vague or possibly useful information, how do we 'use' the seasonal sparkles in the mirror? So far it just seems that we can trigger them to show, but not actually do anything. Hints for that?
We have a lot of late year holidays, but not very much, well, now. Do we need/want something? Should there be other things going on?
We've been getting quieter lately. How are we looking on active players?
The recent Halloween matches up with things I've run into before, where stopping the Eclipse party is actually more a punk supporting thing than a plain party supporting thing. Are we 'supposed' to be triggering more terrible Halloween things?
Whatever happened to the Avatar of Flames? The Emerald Gift still seems to be hanging around, but we don't hear much from them either.
What would you say is the most vital thing to running a game?