Just got a very creepy fight in the mirror:
The mirror seems to be reflecting what it should for once, you… your bed… your walls. You turn to start tidying up and hear a tap, tap, tap from behind you.
A glance back at the mirror reveals it still isn't doing anything stranger than being broken, but the moment you turn again, it's the same tap, tap, tap.
A second glance reveals an almost-human face leering back at you, its mouth spread in a grin of bloody, jagged teeth.
Never ceasing its grin, the thing pushes against its side of the mirror, slipping into your home amid a rain of broken glass.
The belt around your waist writhes and sinks into your flesh. The hunt is on.
Not sure what triggered this but here's what I had:
Hat: (None)
Weapon: mirror-handled pistol
Offhand: shield of scales
Shirt: shark hide jacket
Pants: shark hide pants
Gadget: wolfskin belt
Effects: Puzzled Out (3), Numbing Chill (10), Fae Sight (22)
Skills: Ghoultouched, Stolen Artistry, among others
That was my second encounter in the mirror today, though I've spent proabably 30-40 turns there this run. I haven't unlocked the reflection of the path before you yet this run.
Nothing special for winning (tried about 5 times). None of the equipment above seem to be the trigger (got it without anything equipped). Got it with and without Fae Sight.