2 Evasion Power
3 Melee Power
14 Ranged Power
2 Etheric Power
14 Etheric Defense
5 Melee Defense
19 Ranged Defense
2 Stealth Defense
You hear soft footsteps moving near the projector and glance back to see a shape etched in harsh green light, a professional killer with a rifle swinging around towards you.
Holographic Gunman
You line up a perfect shot, breathe, and fire, dealing 30 damage.
The gunman fixno you in his sight.
You fire a quick shot at the gunman, dealing 29 damage.
The gunman maintains his sight on you and fires a single accurate shot at you for 1.
You draw a careful bead on the gunman and fire a narrowly focused stream of bullets, dealing 39 damage.
The gunman fires a burst of hardened light shards at you for 1 damage.
The hologram splits in two with a sound like breaking glass.
[holosighting 1]
You line up a perfect shot, breathe, and fire, dealing 34 damage.
The gunman tests his sight on you with a single shot for 1 damage.
The gunman tests his sight on you with a single shot for 1 damage.
You fire a clip of bone rounds, seemingly at random. Some strike the gunman dealing 20 damage.
The gunman maintains his sight on you and fires a single accurate shot at you for 2.
You fire a cloud of metallic powder at the gunman, dealing 21 damage.
The gunman fires a burst of hardened light shards at you for 1 damage.
You tighten your scope down and fire a single accurate shot at the gunman for 39.
The gunman fires a burst of hardened light shards at you for 2 damage.
You fire a cloud of metallic powder at the gunman, dealing 18 damage.
You've won the battle!
You observe the last shreds of its energy dissipating through your rifle's scope. A strange notification pops up on your comm.
You found: gunman hologram
After the combat, you patch yourself up, healing 2 hit points.
You've earned 4 XP in Perception
You've earned 1 XP in Reflexes
You've earned 1 XP in Strength
2 Evasion Power
3 Melee Power
16 Ranged Power
7 Stealth Power
2 Etheric Power
14 Etheric Defense
4 Melee Defense
17 Ranged Defense
2 Stealth Defense
You line up a perfect shot, breathe, and fire, dealing 27 damage.
The gunman fires a tightly clustered burst at you for 2 damage.
You sight the gunman down your gun's barrel and fire a single shot at him for 27 damage.
The gunman fixno you in his sight.
Your cyberware cracks open to reveal a gun, which shoots the gunman for 23 damage.
The gunman maintains his sight on you and fires a single accurate shot at you for 3.
You sight the gunman down your gun's barrel and fire a single shot at him for 37 damage.
The gunman tests his sight on you with a single shot for 5 damage.
Your cyberware cracks open to reveal a gun, which shoots the gunman for 29 damage.
The hologram splits in two with a sound like breaking glass.
You line up a perfect shot, breathe, and fire, dealing 24 damage.
The gunman fires a burst of hardened light shards at you for 2 damage.
The gunman maintains his sight on you and fires a single accurate shot at you for 4.
You sight the gunman down your gun's barrel and fire a single shot at him for 25 damage.
The gunman tests his sight on you with a single shot for 6 damage.
You shoot the gunman for 21 damage.
The gunman masterfully compensates for his previous shots and fires another burst at you for 14 damage.
You line up a perfect shot, breathe, and fire, dealing 36 damage.
The gunman tests his sight on you with a single shot for 6 damage.
You sight the gunman down your gun's barrel and fire a single shot at him for 38 damage.
You draw a careful bead on the gunman and fire a narrowly focused stream of bullets, dealing 32 damage.
You've won the battle!
The last shreds of its energy crackle back up your lasers' paths. Feeding on your lasers and the energy of your projector, now pouring out a cloud of smoke, it settles into a strangely solid form in your hand.
You transformed your equipped offhand to solid gunman hologram.
After the combat, you patch yourself up, healing 1 hit point.
You've earned 4 XP in Perception
You've gained Perception!
You've earned 1 XP in Reflexes
You've earned 1 XP in Strength
2 Etheric Power
6 Evasion Power
4 Melee Power
14 Ranged Power
8 Etheric Defense
9 Melee Defense
21 Ranged Defense
2 Stealth Defense
You shoot the gunman for 26 damage.
The gunman fires a burst of hardened light shards at you for 1 damage.
You sight the gunman in your scope and fire a single shot at the gunman for 27.
The gunman sights you in his scope and fires a single shot at you for 2.
It's hard to get a good shot in, but you manage to land a hit for 28 damage.
The gunman fixes you in his sight.
You arc bullets high above and into the gunman for 36 damage.
The hologram collapses into a puddle of light. After a moment, the puddle reforms itself into two copies of the original.
You shoot the gunman for 24 damage.
The gunman tests his sight on you with a single shot for 1 damage.
The gunman fires a tightly clustered burst at you for 1 damage.
You sight the gunman in your scope and fire a single shot at the gunman for 18.
The gunman tests his sight on you with a single shot for 1 damage.
You fire a single carefully reserved bullet at the gunman, dealing 36 damage.
The gunman maintains his sight on you and fires a single accurate shot at you for 1.
You arc bullets high above and into the gunman for 34 damage.
The gunman fires a tightly clustered burst at you for 2 damage.
It's hard to get a good shot in, but you manage to land a hit for 20 damage.
You sight the gunman in your scope and fire a single shot at the gunman for 25.
You've won the battle!
The hologram in your hand reaches out to absorb the larger one's fading energy. A strange notice shows up on your comm.
You found: gunman hologram
You've earned 4 XP in Perception
You've earned 1 XP in Strength
You've earned 1 XP in Will
You line up a perfect shot, breathe, and fire, dealing 37 damage.
The gunman fires a burst of hardened light shards at you for 1 damage.
You take a few careful shots at the gunman with silver bullets, dealing 17 damage.
The gunman sights you in his scope and fires a single shot at you for 1.
The gunman fixes you in his sight.
The gunman fires a tightly clustered burst at you for 2 damage.
You carefully judge your odds and fire once at the gunman for 24 damage.
The gunman tests his sight on you with a single shot for 1 damage.
You sight the gunman in your scope and fire a single shot at the gunman for 22.
The gunman maintains his sight on you and fires a single accurate shot at you for 1.
You shoot the gunman for 19 damage.
The hologram collapses into a puddle of light. After a moment, the puddle reforms itself into two copies of the original.
You shoot the gunman for 29 damage.
The gunman fires a tightly clustered burst at you for 1 damage.
The gunman tests his sight on you with a single shot for 2 damage.
You sight the gunman in your scope and fire a single shot at the gunman for 32.
You fire a single carefully reserved bullet at the gunman, dealing 24 damage.
You arc bullets high above and into the gunman for 28 damage.
You arc bullets high above and into the gunman for 28 damage.
The gunman maintains his sight on you and fires a single accurate shot at you for 2.
It's hard to get a good shot in, but you manage to land a hit for 18 damage.
You take a few careful shots at the gunman with silver bullets, dealing 21 damage.
You've won the battle!
The hologram in your hand reaches out to absorb the larger one's fading energy. A strange notice shows up on your comm.
You found: gunman hologram
You've earned 6 XP in Perception
You shoot the gunman for 25 damage.
The gunman fixes you in his sight.
You sight the gunman in your scope and fire a single shot at the gunman for 19.
The gunman maintains his sight on you and fires a single accurate shot at you for 1.
You fire a single carefully reserved bullet at the gunman, dealing 40 damage.
You arc bullets high above and into the gunman for 39 damage.
The hologram collapses into a puddle of light. After a moment, the puddle reforms itself into two copies of the original.
You shoot the gunman for 26 damage.
The gunman tests his sight on you with a single shot for 2 damage.
The gunman fires a tightly clustered burst at you for 1 damage.
You take a few careful shots at the gunman with silver bullets, dealing 25 damage.
The gunman tests his sight on you with a single shot for 2 damage.
The gunman maintains his sight on you and fires a single accurate shot at you for 2.
The gunman fires a burst of hardened light shards at you for 1 damage.
You arc bullets high above and into the gunman for 28 damage.
The gunman fires a tightly clustered burst at you for 1 damage.
It's hard to get a good shot in, but you manage to land a hit for 21 damage.
You sight the gunman in your scope and fire a single shot at the gunman for 33.
You've won the battle!
The hologram in your hand reaches out to absorb the larger one's fading energy. A strange notice shows up on your comm.
You found: gunman hologram
After the combat, you patch yourself up, healing 2 hit points.
You've earned 5 XP in Perception
You've earned 1 XP in Strength
You arc bullets high above and into the gunman for 22 damage.
The gunman fires a burst of hardened light shards at you for 1 damage.
It's hard to get a good shot in, but you manage to land a hit for 16 damage.
The gunman sights you in his scope and fires a single shot at you for 1.
You sight the gunman in your scope and fire a single shot at the gunman for 28.
You sight the gunman in your scope and fire a single shot at the gunman for 20.
The gunman fixes you in his sight.
You shoot the gunman for 28 damage.
The hologram collapses into a puddle of light. After a moment, the puddle reforms itself into two copies of the original.
You sight the gunman in your scope and fire a single shot at the gunman for 36.
The gunman fires a tightly clustered burst at you for 1 damage.
The gunman tests his sight on you with a single shot for 2 damage.
You shoot the gunman for 23 damage.
The gunman compensates for his previous shot and fires a tight burst, dealing you 1 damage.
You take a few careful shots at the gunman with silver bullets, dealing 30 damage.
The gunman fires a burst of hardened light shards at you for 2 damage.
You fire a single carefully reserved bullet at the gunman, dealing 35 damage.
You've won the battle!
The hologram in your hand reaches out to absorb the larger one's fading energy. A strange notice shows up on your comm.
You found: gunman hologram
You've earned 2 XP in Perception
You've earned 1 XP in Reflexes
You've earned 2 XP in Strength
You've earned 1 XP in Will
You shoot the gunman for 19 damage.
The gunman fixes you in his sight.
You sight the gunman in your scope and fire a single shot at the gunman for 20.
You fire a single carefully reserved bullet at the gunman, dealing 38 damage.
You arc bullets high above and into the gunman for 33 damage.
The hologram collapses into a puddle of light. After a moment, the puddle reforms itself into two copies of the original.
You shoot the gunman for 28 damage.
The gunman tests his sight on you with a single shot for 2 damage.
The gunman fires a tightly clustered burst at you for 2 damage.
You sight the gunman in your scope and fire a single shot at the gunman for 35.
The gunman tests his sight on you with a single shot for 1 damage.
It's hard to get a good shot in, but you manage to land a hit for 23 damage.
The gunman maintains his sight on you and fires a single accurate shot at you for 2.
The gunman fires a burst of hardened light shards at you for 1 damage.
You take a few careful shots at the gunman with silver bullets, dealing 24 damage.
The gunman fires a burst of hardened light shards at you for 2 damage.
It's hard to get a good shot in, but you manage to land a hit for 26 damage.
You've won the battle!
The hologram in your hand reaches out to absorb the larger one's fading energy. A strange notice shows up on your comm.
You found: gunman hologram
After the combat, you patch yourself up, healing 2 hit points.
You've earned 4 XP in Perception
You've earned 1 XP in Reflexes
You've earned 1 XP in Strength
You arc bullets high above and into the gunman for 29 damage.
The gunman fixes you in his sight.
It's hard to get a good shot in, but you manage to land a hit for 30 damage.
The gunman maintains his sight on you and fires a single accurate shot at you for 2.
The gunman fires a burst of hardened light shards at you for 1 damage.
You line up a perfect shot, breathe, and fire, dealing 32 damage.
The gunman tests his sight on you with a single shot for 1 damage.
The hologram splits in two with a sound like breaking glass.
You take a few careful shots at the gunman with silver bullets, dealing 27 damage.
The gunman maintains his sight on you and fires a single accurate shot at you for 2.
The gunman fires a burst of hardened light shards at you for 2 damage.
You fire a single carefully reserved bullet at the gunman, dealing 27 damage.
The gunman maintains his sight on you and fires a single accurate shot at you for 2.
You line up a perfect shot, breathe, and fire, dealing 34 damage.
The gunman fires a tightly clustered burst at you for 2 damage.
You take a few careful shots at the gunman with silver bullets, dealing 17 damage.
You shoot the gunman for 19 damage.
You've won the battle!
The hologram in your hand reaches out to absorb the larger one's fading energy. A strange notice shows up on your comm.
You found: gunman hologram
After the combat, you patch yourself up, healing 2 hit points.
You've earned 5 XP in Perception
You've earned 1 XP in Will