Happy Metroplexiversery! Congratulations on ten years!
If you were transported into Metroplexity, which survivor would you side with?
What are "salvaging tools" exactly?
Does Reactive Defense ever apply outside of combat?
Does your Perception, Reflexes, Strength or Will ever help you in hacking?
How do you design opponent's chains? Are those all manually coded?
Judging by id numbers, there are over 2700 technique forms now, which is an insane amount. How do you keep track of those all?
Have you written yourself any tools to make implementing Metroplexity easier?
Have any new Etheric techniques been given Blood of the Ancients updates? It's a little weird how only techniques under ID 800 are effected by it (or we are just really sloppy about testing it, which I'm sure we are). I really like the Blood of the Ancients idea, I wish it were not unearthly, or could be re-introduced in a new unearthly item as an excuse to update it.
The only known techniques that prevent running away are NPC-only; so
- are there any PC techniques that can hold opponents?
- and have you thought about any opponents that attempt to run away?
I've been digging into opponent's flags lately. Any hints on the following:
- Eating opponents triggers somewhere on a 0 - 2 scale of evil "morality". Eating humans seems more evil than eating other creatures, but how do you distinguish eating lake serpents as more evil than eating giant maggots? Is there a specific opponent flag there?