Among items I have (which is quite a few- missing items), the following can be discarded:
- ad spider
- ad template
- advanced interpreter
- antiviral patch
- armory supplies
- automation routine
- autoturret memory
- bank information
- battered cred chip
- biofeedback vest plans
- blackmail material
- Blackthorn Alpha
- Blackthorn v5
- Blackthorn v6
- burrowing drone memory
- business plan
- Celebrate Metroplex Day
- chaotic firewall
- chaotic tester
- circuit fragments
- classic game music
- code snippet
- command script
- core formatter plans
- cracked sample track
- crash script
- crate of drugs
- crazed tract
- crystal Blackthorn
- crystal tester
- cup of Joe
- Cyberbowl promo code
- daily tester
- damaged drone antenna
- damaged Zaibatsu crate
- data scrubber
- deep file scan
- defensive jammer
- delicate butterfly
- depth charge
- derivative piece
- dirty rags
- disgusting slug
- eavesdropping tools
- Emerald Gift track
- experimental command script
- experimental indexer
- EyesAround
- F paper
- file interface
- filtering script
- fractal cheat
- fractal code
- fractal commander
- fractal crash script
- fractal defender
- fractal indexer
- fractal interface
- fractal loop
- fractal templates
- fractal tester
- frayed cable
- front row ticket
- functionality interface
- GangFinder
- grilled panini
- gunshot cloth
- half of a sandwich
- helidrone memory
- hound drone memory
- HUD Manager
- imaginary spear
- interlocked scales
- intrusive jammer
- intrusive search
- jumbo hot dog
- Legion tract
- linty cred chip
- locker key
- loose eyeball
- maddening search
- mailing list
- mass of guano
- math subroutine
- Midgard Blackthorn
- Midgard internal code
- Midgard Protection Suite
- Midgard Protection Suite 2.0
- Midgard protector
- Midgard shrieker
- Midgard tester
- mislit rusted sword
- navigator's glasses
- network defender
- network interpreter
- network jammer
- network scan
- networking code
- networking functions
- neural mesh plans
- neural networking paper
- NNN account
- Novos download key
- Novos functionality updates
- Novos install package
- Novos system updates
- OmniTech employee chip
- OmniTech supplies crate
- optimized targeter
- orderly code
- paper mache
- pep program
- pop recordings
- practice range ticket
- primitive translator
- protest sign
- quick scan
- raiding database
- recorded consideration
- recorded pause
- recorded speed
- recorded strain
- relay code
- REM timer
- remote command script
- remote crash script
- remote indexer
- salvaged pipe
- SDnano memory
- search script
- secure command script
- secured filter
- secured indexer
- secured transmission functions
- security interface
- security patches
- security trial
- security updater
- serpent powder
- shining barrier
- signal finder
- Slags medical file
- smuggler's crate
- software firewall
- spare tooth
- spectrum command script
- spectrum crash script
- spectrum downloader
- spectrum transmission functions
- spider drone memory
- stone spider leg
- student cheatsheets
- sulfur
- target list
- target search
- targeting algorithm
- tattered newspaper page
- the best helmet
- the Tar Pit
- Third Eye stash
- thorough decompiler
- trade secrets
- twisted firework
- unsettling loop
- updated crash script
- updated defender
- updating firewall
- verified contacts
- very official crate
- vine spear
- viral code
- viral eavesdropper
- viral filter
- viral formatter
- viral injector
- viral interpreter
- viral search
- virtual pet bass
- vulnerability database
- vulnerability tester
- white noise producer
The following can't:
- abstract domino mask
- achromatic lamp
- achromatic rifle
- achromatic slacks
- achromatic vest
- amorphous hologram
- anniversary pocket mirror
- antique camera
- antique floor mirror
- art museum bowl
- art museum ribbon
- asylum journal
- asylum key
- bat paperweight
- black gemstone
- blindingly festive LED
- bloodied rifle
- bloody goblet
- bloody wreath ornament
- blue Halloween punch
- Book of Common Dreams
- buried lab notebook
- candy bowl
- carved crystal orb
- charred head
- chemistry papers
- Chess for Beginners
- clear virus ornament
- close combat needler
- coal ornament
- coat of defensive circuitry
- coat of mysterious circuitry
- Coin of the Seasons
- commemorative bucket
- cookie tin
- crinkly present
- cryptic Halloween ticket
- crystal spinal rifle
- dancing hut figure
- decompiling integrator
- deputy tracker
- designer vines
- drowning flame
- Electrical Engineering I
- Electrical Engineering II
- Electrical Engineering III
- elegantly torn pants
- Emerald Gift bowl
- Emerald Gift ticket
- emerald Halloween punch
- emerald heart ornament
- equinox coin
- Extreme Tackle Box
- feathered cloak
- festive head ornament
- festive knit hat
- festive tree sweater
- fire etched sword
- foil tree topper
- fundraising bucket
- fundraising ribbon
- giant gnarled branch
- giant snowflake
- glass bauble
- glowing trophy cup
- goblet of bones
- gold Midgard Player
- grappler gauntlets
- green explosion ornament
- green glass ornament
- green treat bucket
- gunman hologram
- halloween counterpetition
- halloween museum petition
- Halloween ribbon
- Halloween sample track
- handmade snowflake
- headstone ticket
- History of the Orbital Wars
- HKGames helmet
- holosight rifle
- hungry ooze cloak
- hungry ooze egg
- hungry ooze pants
- icicle ornament
- infection attempts
- inspiring horn
- integrated file scan
- integrated GangFinder
- integrated injector
- leverage bucket
- magical princess dress
- massive snowflake fragment
- mauled fishing hook
- Midgard party crate
- Midgard Player
- miniature christmas tree
- monitored Midgard Player
- MSPSSP key
- mummy hologram
- Myers sampling kit
- mysterious puzzle box
- mysterious puzzle rod
- network integrator
- nostalgic toy catalog
- octopus eye
- offensive shirt
- painted snowflake
- personal sniper rifle
- prototype coat
- pumpkin bucket
- Rag Man hologram
- Rag Man's cape
- red explosion ornament
- red glass ornament
- red-lensed goggles
- reindeer sweater
- resetter's ribbon
- safety vest
- sapphire Halloween punch
- scuffed mining helmet
- sculpted candy bowl
- search integrator
- shark hologram
- shield of scales
- signal triangulator
- silk top hat
- silver explosion ornament
- silver glass ornament
- silver wreath ornament
- skull hologram
- Slags cheatsheets
- snowflake sweater
- snowman head ornament
- snowman sweater
- snowy cookie tin
- soaked newspaper
- solstice coin
- spacious cargo pants
- spider hologram
- spring coin
- spring knuckles
- STAFF shirt
- star tree topper
- stone punch
- strange punch
- summer coin
- the frozen heart
- tinsel
- toad statue
- toxic Halloween punch
- toy Vigilante pistol
- unearthly coin
- university funding bucket
- unstable integrator
- Valentine's knife
- viral mass
- viral model
- warehouse security badge
- white explosion ornament
- white glass ornament
- winter coin
- wolfskin belt
- yellow virus ornament
- Zaibatsu mister
- Zalian defense tool