Confirmed that Bum and Containment Suit disguises give special results. Nothing else for: doctor, office worker, third eye hunter, valentine killer.
Picking pockets here, starting at rank Comfortable.
dubious chicken wing, phoenix sauce (trained)
2 ancient candybars (no training)
3 dubious chicken wings (no training)
2 ancient candybars, phoenix sauce (no training)
Pickpocketing results (Comfortable):
ancient candybar | 16 |
dirty rags | 8 |
chicken wings | 25 |
sandwich half | 10 |
phoenix sauce | 18 |
sandwich wrapper | 24 |
newspaper | 19 |
Definitely some non-equal distribution here.
2 drops | 5 |
3 drops | 18 |
4 drops | 14 |
Also not equal distribution of number of item dropped. Needs more data.
I did not get any better at pickpocketing this in all 37 samples. I had comm skimmer on the whole time and did not get any credits.
Solid (10 to next Rank)
You found: 2 uneaten halves of sandwiches
You found: sandwich wrapper
You found: 2 sandwich wrappers
You found: phoenix sauce
You found: dubious chicken wing
You found: sandwich wrapper
You found: ancient candybar
You found: half of a sandwich
You found: tattered newspaper page
You found: sandwich wrapper
You found: phoenix sauce
You found: dirty rags
You found: 2 piles of dirty rags
You found: phoenix sauce
You found: dubious chicken wing
You found: half of a sandwich
You found: tattered newspaper page
You found: tattered newspaper page
You found: phoenix sauce
You found: sandwich wrapper
You found: ancient candybar
You found: sandwich wrapper
You found: tattered newspaper page
You found: half of a sandwich
You found: phoenix sauce
You found: sandwich wrapper
You found: phoenix sauce
You found: tattered newspaper page
You found: ancient candybar
You found: dubious chicken wing
You found: dubious chicken wing
You found: ancient candybar
You found: 2 packets of phoenix sauce
You found: 2 pages of old newspapers
You found: dirty rags
You found: dubious chicken wing
You found: 2 uneaten halves of sandwiches
You found: dirty rags
You found: dirty rags
You found: sandwich wrapper
You found: tattered newspaper page
You found: ancient candybar
You found: 2 packets of phoenix sauce
You found: half of a sandwich
You found: dubious chicken wing
You found: phoenix sauce
You found: tattered newspaper page
You found: 2 pages of old newspapers
You found: 2 uneaten halves of sandwiches
You found: ancient candybar
You found: 2 packets of phoenix sauce
You found: dubious chicken wing
You found: tattered newspaper page
You found: dubious chicken wing
You found: tattered newspaper page
You found: ancient candybar
You found: tattered newspaper page
You found: dubious chicken wing
You found: sandwich wrapper
You found: ancient candybar
You found: dubious chicken wing
You found: phoenix sauce
You found: 2 ancient candybars
You found: dirty rags
You found: ancient candybar
You found: half of a sandwich
You found: dubious chicken wing
You found: ancient candybar
You found: half of a sandwich
You found: 2 dubious chicken wings
You found: tattered newspaper page
You found: ancient candybar
You found: 2 dubious chicken wings
You found: sandwich wrapper
You found: half of a sandwich
You found: ancient candybar
You found: sandwich wrapper
You found: dubious chicken wing
You found: ancient candybar
You found: half of a sandwich
You found: tattered newspaper page
You found: 2 dubious chicken wings
You found: sandwich wrapper
You found: tattered newspaper page
You found: 2 uneaten halves of sandwiches
You found: sandwich wrapper
You found: dubious chicken wing
You found: half of a sandwich
You found: 2 packets of phoenix sauce
You found: tattered newspaper page
You found: sandwich wrapper
You found: 3 dubious chicken wings
You found: half of a sandwich
You found: sandwich wrapper
You found: 2 dubious chicken wings
You found: ancient candybar
You found: tattered newspaper page
You found: 2 packets of phoenix sauce
You found: dubious chicken wing
You found: dirty rags