I can confirm that coal shipment is available (at least sober). I got it a couple times every day so far (two or four, until I successflly found the source).
So some new text on the Snow Goons encounter:
The snowmen's shadows carve strange patterns on the snow, as though tiny snakes had been dancing over the drifts.
And from walking away:
You run your fastest, churning through the snow and leaving the student's twisted creations far behind. Thankfully, none of them seem to have followed you… even those horrifying patterns writhing on the ground, seeming to contain all the students' poured out malice and rage.
You take a moment to wipe the snow off your legs because it reminds you of them.
You've earned 3 XP
Seems to be hinting at something new it seems, though I'm not sure exactly what. Nothing special for killing the fuzed snowmen with Shield of Scales+Serpent Venom, or for randomly fighting with serpent suit. Running away message is the same with Artificial Rage.
Any other ideas? We have about 19 more hours to solve this…
EDIT: Hm, the intro message says, "A mass of snowmen spread through the Quad, packed most tightly near the abandoned dorms." I wonder if any of this is related to the halloween dorm events? In previous years they've been most tightly packed near the museum, before the museum was a thing. Most mysterious…
/me hopes for a podcast soon to at least confirm how much we missed this Christmas >.>
The fanged snowman does have a viper-like attack but beating one in full serpent gear didn't seem to do anything.
Moving my stuff to the same place as Al's
Trying to interpret the pattern. No change to intro text or run in terror text with:
Ocean Sight, Burning Vision &
scaled vest + scaled pants + serpent knuckles
glimmering HUD + glimmering blob
punk disguise + 571
dormitory rubble or dorm support
bat paperweight
smoky glass visor
full infested containment suit
snowman head
numbing IV
Some of the clues we're going off of:
Could be halloween related - the snowmen cluster around the dorms and the patterns are formed from the students' malice and rage
The patterns are described 'as though made by tiny snakes'.
We're trying to decipher a pattern, so vision-affecting stuff seems reasonable. I thought Burning Vision was a strong horse but oh well…
EDIT I obtained Serpent Pattern, but the intro text & run away in terror message haven't changed. Using that technique versus the Fanged Snowman's Maw attack only results in the usual etheric maw breath.
In the beginning, men were mortal.
I thought maybe I could see the whole pattern from the Hall of Sculptures. Non-Etheric I just got the Lonesome Quad as normal. Spent 14 Energy while Etheric running away from all the nasty monsters and didn't get any chance to look at the Quad. I don't know if I should keep trying or if this just isn't gonna work.
EDIT: D'oh! I should probably see the pattern first before I try this, eh? Stand by …
EDIT AGAIN: Ran in terror and noted the pattern, but then nothing from 10 more Energy while Etheric looking for a view of the Quad in the Hall of Sculptures. I had Reflexes boosted really high so that I could run away from the nasty monsters there, so maybe that skewed my results?
Ah, thanks for reminding me about that Mag - when that encounter came out, first thing I thought to do was check it again with snow on the ground and then completely forgot about it.
Anyway, it has the normal text and picture while sober, and I don't think you can get it while Etheric. (which I guess I should report once the festivities die down).
It occurred to me that perhaps the rage and malice of the students has to do with their work being destroyed… I got the highest number of destroyed snowmen up over 200, though, and it doesn't seem to have changed the patterns.
For those who don't have a tree yet, Kinak says you can install it on Christmas Day and still receive presents. crackle Code Red-and-Green, Code Red-and-Green, Santa has infiltrated the Christmas tree lot.
In the beginning, men were mortal.
Merry Christmas everyone!
(my haul for the record:)
Your tree is well-decorated with 3 painted snowflakes, 3 lumps of coal, 2 bloody wreathes, an silver wreath, an silver explosion ornament, a gigantic snowflake, a length of tinsel, a red glass ornament, a green glass ornament, a string of icicles, and a snowman head.
You bask in its fiber optic glow for a minute before heading out and soak up all the holiday joy you can.
You've gained 20 duration of Holiday Cheer.
It's finally time to open all these presents!
You received: shifting present
A pile of gifts came in overnight in Metroplex U wrapping paper. You haul them into your apartment.
You received: 10 painted wreath ornaments
You received: fang tree topper
You received: snowy wreath ornament
You received: 2 unrealistic wreath ornaments
You received: 2 flapped snowmen ornaments
You received: snowy cookie tin
Hey, there's something from the OmniMall here too.
You found: snow globe
Your tree is straining under the weight of Christmas cheer. You have 22 strings of icicles, 12 painted snowflakes, 7 silver glass ornaments, 2 silver explosion ornaments, 2 gigantic snowflakes, 2 lengths of tinsel, 2 green glass ornaments, 2 white glass ornaments, an silver wreath, a bloody wreath, a clear virus ornament, a yellow virus ornament, a smaller tree, a blindingly festive LED, a lump of coal, a handmade snowflake, a red glass ornament, a delicate gilt snowflake, and an emerald heart.
You bask in its fiber optic glow for a minute before heading out and soak up all the holiday joy you can.
You've gained 20 duration of Holiday Cheer.
It's finally time to open all these presents!
You received: shifting present
You received: cookie tin
A pile of gifts came in overnight in Metroplex U wrapping paper. You haul them into your apartment.
You received: 5 painted wreath ornaments
You received: snowy wreath ornament
You received: 2 unrealistic wreath ornaments
You received: flapped snowman ornament
You received: snowy cookie tin
Hey, there's something from the OmniMall here too.
You found: snow globe
Sent 25 gifts, no leaderboard spot, built 2 snowmen, destroyed ~35, 4 on Abomonomnometer, helped students a few times.
In the beginning, men were mortal.
Your tree is decorated with a green glass ornament, a length of tinsel, and a lump of coal.
You bask in its fiber optic glow for a minute before heading out and soak up all the holiday joy you can.
You've gained 20 duration of Holiday Cheer.
It's finally time to open all these presents!
You received: shifting present
A pile of gifts came in overnight in Metroplex U wrapping paper. You haul them into your apartment.
You received: 7 painted wreath ornaments
You received: 5 snowy wreath ornaments
You received: 2 fang tree toppers
You received: 10 unrealistic wreath ornaments
You received: 7 flapped snowmen ornaments
You received: snowy cookie tin
Hey, there's something from the OmniMall here too.
You found: snow globe