As I talked about a bit on the podcast, I've created a Patreon campaign for Metroplexity.
There are a few reasons behind that. One is that people have asked a few times for Patreon as an option so they don't miss unearthly items. Another is that I've been looking for a good way to do quick polls for feedback on where to head next.
And finances aren't bad, but they're not really good either. That's largely on me, but I've fallen several times into a cycle of missing an unearthly item, needing to pick up freelance work to make ends meet, then not having time to do an unearthly item. Enough of a stream from Patreon should get me out of that and prevent it from falling into that cycle again, which would be pretty great.
So I did a lot of financial math and figured out what actual targets look like. So the tier numbers are a bit weird, because I'd rather be transparent about the numbers than have them be round.
Should I Panic?
If you're not interested in being a patron, that's totally cool. You'll still get the content they're helping produce and unearthly items will still show up in Zack's like always. But, if you'd like to chip in, it'll help the game out a lot in the long run and you'll get some cool rewards.
How will I get rewards?
I will get your Patreon email address, so I can get rewards to the right accounts based on that. If your Metroplexity email address doesn't match your Patreon one, send me an in-game message with the Patreon address and I can make sure things are tied together properly.
The unearthly items and avatars should kick in the next month, so Patreon can handle everything on the 1st. So if you sign up for the $10 tier now, the first avatar will show up sometime in October. If I release an item in October, everyone who was a patron on October 1st will get it automatically. And so on.
If people would rather that kick in immediately, that's an option, but I think this serves a bit of a different role from the normal donations. So… I guess let me know if you have strong opinions.
As for stuff like polls, there's already one up to kick things off.
What about?
I'm new to this, so I've probably missed some things. Hit me up with any questions here or over on Patreon.