10 Etheric Power
A You give the warrior the Evil Eye and he bursts into flames. The malefic green fire deals him 13 damage.
The warrior sounds his hunting horn. A hound of crystal and green fire appears, accompanying the horn with its howls of pain, and lashes out at you for 2 damage.
B You give the warrior the Evil Eye and he bursts into flames. The malefic green fire deals him 15 damage.
The warrior pins you with his crystal spear, dealing 2 damage.
12 Etheric Power
C You give the warrior the Evil Eye and he bursts into flames. The malefic green fire deals him 16 damage, but the warrior's armor turns aside all but 2 damage.
The warrior stands motionless, trusting in his shining crystalline armor.
D You give the warrior the Evil Eye and he bursts into flames. The malefic green fire deals him 17 damage.
The warrior pins you with his crystal spear, dealing 2 damage.
E You give the warrior the Evil Eye and he bursts into flames. The malefic green fire deals him 16 damage, but the warrior's armor turns aside all but 2 damage.
The warrior stands motionless, trusting in his shining crystalline armor.
F You utter strange sounds that become shadowy chains, tearing from your mouth into the warrior for 22 damage.
The warrior sounds his hunting horn. A hound of crystal and green fire appears, accompanying the horn with its howls of pain, and lashes out at you for 1 damage.
G You look beseechingly upwards. Something looks back down, bathing the warrior in green flames for 26 damage, but the warrior's armor turns aside all but 12 damage.
The warrior stands motionless, trusting in his shining crystalline armor.
H You give the warrior the Evil Eye and he bursts into flames. The malefic green fire deals him 16 damage, but the warrior's armor turns aside all but 2 damage.
The warrior stands motionless, trusting in his shining crystalline armor.
I You look beseechingly upwards. Something looks back down, bathing the warrior in green flames for 25 damage, but the hounds' presence seems to dampen the attack, absorbing all but 16 damage.
The warrior sounds his hunting horn. Two hounds of crystal and green fire appear, matching the horn with their howls of pain, and tear into you for 1 damage.
J You give the warrior the Evil Eye and he bursts into flames. The malefic green fire deals him 15 damage, but the hounds' presence seems to dampen the attack, absorbing all of the damage.
The warrior sounds his hunting horn. A pack of hounds appear with a howl that drowns out even the horn, moving so fast they appear almost serpentine, lance into you for 2 damage.
14 Etheric Power
K You stop for a moment to wind your watch. The warrior shudders and withers, taking 21 damage, but the warrior's armor turns aside all but 10 damage.
The warrior stands motionless, trusting in his shining crystalline armor.
L You stop for a moment to wind your watch. The warrior shudders and withers, taking 21 damage, but the warrior's armor turns aside all but 7 damage.
The warrior stands motionless, trusting in his shining crystalline armor.
M You stop for a moment to wind your watch. The warrior shudders and withers, taking 21 damage.
The warrior sounds his hunting horn. A hound of crystal and green fire appears, accompanying the horn with its howls of pain, and lashes out at you for 2 damage.
N You stop for a moment to wind your watch. The warrior shudders and withers, taking 21 damage, but the warrior's armor turns aside all but 10 damage.
The warrior stands motionless, trusting in his shining crystalline armor.
O You stop for a moment to wind your watch. The warrior shudders and withers, taking 21 damage, but the warrior's armor turns aside all but 8 damage.
The warrior stands motionless, trusting in his shining crystalline armor.
P You stop for a moment to wind your watch. The warrior shudders and withers, taking 21 damage, but the hounds' presence seems to dampen the attack, absorbing all but 9 damage.
The warrior sounds his hunting horn. Two hounds of crystal and green fire appear, matching the horn with their howls of pain, and tear into you for 1 damage.
12 EP
Q Spectral hands burst out of the ground beneath the warrior, scrabbling at him for 19 damage.
The warrior pins you with his crystal spear, dealing 1 damage.
R You lock your gaze on the warrior and deal 22 damage by twisting him to match your decaying vision, but the warrior's armor turns aside all but 8 damage.
The warrior stands motionless, trusting in his shining crystalline armor.
S You look beseechingly upwards. Something looks back down, bathing the warrior in green flames for 26 damage, but the warrior's armor turns aside all but 15 damage.
The warrior stands motionless, trusting in his shining crystalline armor.
T You look beseechingly upwards. Something looks back down, bathing the warrior in green flames for 27 damage.
The warrior pins you with his crystal spear, dealing 2 damage.
U You give the warrior the Evil Eye and he bursts into flames. The malefic green fire deals him 16 damage, but the warrior's armor turns aside all but 5 damage.
The warrior stands motionless, trusting in his shining crystalline armor.
11 EP
A You look beseechingly upwards. Something looks back down, bathing the turret in green flames for 27 damage.
The turret unloads a chattering burst of automatic fire into you, dealing 4 damage.
The guard fires a shotgun blast into you. Although the pellets spread over the distance they still deal 1 damage.
The turret arcs a stream of bullets high above you and into you for 7 damage.
B You look beseechingly upwards. Something looks back down, bathing the turret in green flames for 27 damage.
The turret unloads a chattering burst of automatic fire into you, dealing 3 damage.
C You look beseechingly upwards. Something looks back down, bathing the turret in green flames for 25 damage.
The turret arcs a stream of bullets high above you and into you for 7 damage.
D You give the turret the Evil Eye and it bursts into flames. The malefic green fire deals it 17 damage.
The turret unloads a chattering burst of automatic fire into you, dealing 2 damage.