Some halloweeny stuff.
-You've mentioned before that you calibrate the amount of money we need off the money that's available to active players. Is that going to be kept steady? Lower?
-Since we all seemed to be running on fumes by the time the party started, were you doing the same sort of calibration for 'amount of energy required' for getting the party set up?
-Would there be any way we could help troubleshoot triggers/events before the event? I don't think there's an easy way to do that, but mini-events or micro events to test triggers might be valid?
-So far as I could tell, everyone received the same prizes this year (The hardhat and claw.) Were there any further hidden prizes we just didn't get to?
-Was the Bat Spy (who totally was not the vampire frat boy) meant to be permanently suppressed on shoo away?
-Is this our new 'university pumpkin' encounter? At least for a few years? (That would make 'shoo' the equivalent to 'smash the pumpkin')
-I didn't get to even see the empty fountain. Was it meant to be suppressed while under a halloween spirit threshold, or did I just get unlucky RNG?
-Is this new Patreon stuff going to make things easier as far as Christmas? Less fancy? More fancy?
Otherwise, how are things holding up on your side? Any cool costumes from trick-or-treaters?