I'm excited and impressed about all the progress towards full Novos implementation. Yay Novos!
One of the few oldos-only things that I can think of that's still unconverted is the Lotus Map skill. Will you be making that Novos-compatible before the full Novos rollout, or will it go in with the Novos Net?
How far out is the full Novos rollout? Will oldos programs stop working then, or will they persist for a while yet?
Is there currently a way not to find the deeper Novos syntax baffling?
Any particular reason for all the weapon updates? I figure the axe thing was to set up the Stainless Skulls axe. (Thanks for the berserkergang, btw!) Anything special coming up with spears and/or rifles, or were you just working through suggestions from past podcasts — in-game metal, etc.?
Are there any major mushroom-related discoveries waiting to be made?
We know of a bunch of skills that seem to stand alone, not part of a mutually exclusive skill group.* Is this appearance deceptive? Are any of these skills mutually exclusive with other skills we have yet to discover?
* For reference, the skills I'm thinking of are: Chess, Drone Anatomy, Experienced Observer, Experimental Chemistry, Expert Salvager, Fishing, Lotus Map, On The Prowl, Programmed Terror, Quantum Mechanics, Sushi Chef, and Trauma Tech. Simple Coding seems to be a prerequisite for Efficient Hacking and Handscripting, but these skills aren't mutually exclusive.