Basically, I'm going to be hunting around for techniques associated with cyberware.
General Methodology:
1) Equip cyberware
2) Try appropriate techniques with the cyberware to learn new techniques. These include punch, brutality, dive for cover, evil eye, light of the eye, kidney punch, single shot (these seem to be associated the most with learning new techniques), among many others.
3) Try killing and talking with NPCs who have said cyberware equipped (if any)
4) Other miscellaneous ideas
5) Tear out cyberware, replace with new hotness
Already tested
- integrated cybergun- tried shooting lots of people with 4 points of sight link, tactical neural mesh, arrayed cybereye, tactical goggles and targeting/optical algorithm.
- arrayed cybereye, tactical neural mesh- results
- OmniBody arms, OmniEyes, Omnibody legs, OmniTech ArtSkin , OmniBody heart- results
- analyzing cybereye, muscular cyberarms, corroded dermal plates (generously donated by Mag) , hooked cyberlegs (generously donated by Mag)- results
- powerful cyberarms, cat eyes, powerful cyberlegs, tiger skin : results
- targeting cybereye, targeting cyberarms, solar wings- (generously donated by Cryptodynamic)- results
- glazed cybereyes, chameleon glands , sludge cyberheart, scaled arm: results
- dark wings, The Claw ((thanks to a generous donation by Mag), demon face , shivering cybereye- results
- goat legs, spidery limbs, fixed eyes, head spikes, elbow spikes: results
- Inteternal blade, cybernetic tattoo , tracer eye (thanks to a generous donation by Al)- results
- wired cyberarms, secret cyberheart, wired cyberlegs, angelic wings : results
- trash cyberheart, ghost skin, transparent arms, transparent legs, blackened eyes, visible organs: results 1results 2
- tiger paw, eye of the earth serpent (thanks to a generous donation by Al), rhythmic cyberlegs, gossamer wings, adrenal pump : results
- tiger skin, tiger paw (repeat): results
- body jewels- (thanks to a generous donation by Al), scaled arm : results
Cyberware not included in investigation
Could not obtain
Absolutely can't get
Assuming nothing to find:
Includes non-combat neuralware, crafting intermediates and defective cyberware from the Metroplex U Cybertechnology Lab:
Assuming "solved"
(already is spaded out heavily):
Writing for the long-neglected GOC Casefiles canon.