Fractured Reflection (Spring)


Access by using an Antique Mirror from your apartment, if you have chosen Dr. Amundsen as your contact to finish The Survivors quest.

Walking away from choice encounters in this zone gives a special message:

You turn your back on the mirror for a moment, ignoring the reflections.

Every fifth Walk Away you get a special message:

You turn your back on the mirror for a moment, ignoring the reflections. You've spent much of your day puttering around the mirror today, moving yourself inside the room and carefully watching your movements to keep your reflection on track.

It's more tiring than you expected, but you feel a bit more in tune with your body.

You've earned 2 XP in Reflexes

Note: the fracture reflection encounters use an independent counter for walking away from the other encounters in the game, so you have to walk away from five mirror encounters to get the above message.

BrassKnuckles25.jpg Combat Encounters Eclipse.jpg Etheric only
Peace-Patch.jpg Noncombat Encounters coffee.jpg Non-Etheric only
defaultitem.jpg Choice Encounters fishingpole.jpg Requires Fishing pole
LeatherJacket.jpg Gang Warfare Encounters PDA.jpg Can lead to a Hacking Encounter

Peace-Patch.jpg Noncombat Encounters

Encounter Results Conditions
Massive Fire Gain 3 XP in Reflexes, 3 XP in Will After defeating the hermit by breaking his sword

defaultitem.jpg Choice Encounters

Flower Field

  1. Go picking flowers - Gain 36-39 HP, lose all energy of Strangely Drowsy, or gain reflected flower
  2. Take a nap - Gain 36-39 HP, lose all energy of Strangely Drowsy
  3. Enjoy the atmosphere - Gain 4 XP in Will
  4. Dance among them - Gain 4 XP in Reflexes, and Will too if drowsy
  5. Leave them - Walk away

Blooming Tree

  1. Climb up - Gain 4 XP in Reflexes
  2. Nap at its base - Gain 37-40 HP, lose all energy of Strangely Drowsy
  3. Explore where she hid - (Only after you have played hide-and-seek)
    1. Pull out the sword - Gain 4 XP in Strength or a reflected sword
    2. Meditate here - Gain 4 XP in Will (or 8 with Channeling Matsuo)
    3. Explore deeper - Gain 5 XP in Reflexes
  4. Use the sword on it - Gain 10 XP in Strength
  5. Leave it be - Walk Away

Hermit and Girl

  1. Talk to him - learn 1-2 Dive for Cover and earn 4 XP in Reflexes.
  2. Talk to her - Gain 10 energy of Child's Perspective.
  3. Taunt him
    1. Outrun him - Gain 4 XP in Strength.
    2. Head for the flowers (Only after falling asleep trying to pick flowers in Flower Field) Good - Replaces this encounter with Crazy Hermit Fight and Child Playing Solo.
    3. Turn and face him - Leads to the Swordfight Challenge with a sword equipped. Otherwise just 1 damage.
    4. Toss in a sword (With a reflected sword) - Leads to the Swordfight Challenge. Lose reflected sword.
  4. Leave them be - Walk Away

Crazy Hermit Fight (Only after luring the hermit into the field of flowers)

  1. Challenge him - Lose 1 HP or Begin Swordfight Challenge if you have a sword
  2. Toss in a sword - (Only if you have a reflected sword) Begin Swordfight Challenge
  3. Watch him work - Gain 4 XP in Perception
  4. Mirror his work (Only with a sword equipped) Gain 4 XP in Reflexes, and Swordplay or Parry
  5. Follow his footwork - Learn Leaping Dodge or Dive for cover
  6. Catch his reflection - (Only with an antique hand mirror equipped) Gain 6 XP in Reflexes
  7. Leave him be - Walk away

Child Playing Solo (Only after luring the hermit into the field of flowers)

  1. Talk to her - Gain 10 or 30 energy of Child's Perspective.
  2. Play with her - Unlocks various Game options when certain conditions are met.
  3. Run around (Only after playing with her with a flower) Good - Gain 5 XP in Strength
  4. Play the square game (Only after playing with her with 2 flowers) - Gain 8 XP in Reflexes
  5. Play hide-and-seek (Only after playing with her with 3 flowers) Good - Nothing, or gain 1 XP in Strength and 5 XP in Will
  6. Give her a flower (With shards of reflected flowers) Good - Nothing or 60 or 100 energy of Child's Perspective.
  7. Leave her be - Walk away
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