Friendly Candle Ornament


Image candle%20ornament%20w.jpg
Description Although this ornament is made from a lot of the same basic materials you'd expect from the mass-produced stuff pushed out this season, it has all the little imperfections that make you think it's actually handmade. Unless OmniTech has started training their factory drones to accidentally leave fingerprints in things, it's actually a touching gesture.
Type Usable
Use If you have a tree set up in your dwelling:
You add the candle to your Christmas tree.

You set aside the candle for when you have a Christmas tree up.
Multi If you have a tree set up in your dwelling:
You add the candles to your Christmas tree.

You set aside the candles for when you have a Christmas tree up.
Effects Adds a friendly candle to the Christmas tree in your apartment.


Christmas Rewards 2017: For choosing to "Help out" in the Help For Hipsters encounter during Christmas 2017


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