Game Terms
- Attribute: Any of your four main 'stats': Perception, Reflexes, Strength, and Will. These increase as you gain XP, and determine how powerful your techniques are, your results from certain encounters, and have many other effects throughout the game.
- Base Attribute: The numerical value of an attribute (see above) based only on your XP, before any other modifiers. Equipment, skills and effects can modify your attributes as well. The Base Attribute determines the requirements for some equipping some equipment, and a few other minor cases.
This is always the first number displayed after each attribute in the left hand pane.
- Base Damage: The amount of damage an offensive technique will deal before any modifiers are taken into account (from associated attribute, bonus power, and/or target's inherent resistances or defensive techniques)
- Base Defense: The amount of damage a defensive technique will block before any modifiers are taken into account (from associated attribute and/or bonus power)
- Body: A measure of your character's drug tolerance. Each drug you consume will lower your body by a set amount. You gain 10 body at 'dawn' or 'rollover' (midnight GMT), up to a maximum of 40.
- Bonuses: Any number of enhancements (or detriments) from your equipment or effects. This includes everything from increased damage to higher chance of combat encounters to special bonuses like first aid.
- Buffed Attribute: The numerical value of an attribute after all bonuses have been taken into account. If your buffed attribute is different from your base attribute, it will be displayed within parentheses after the base attribute in the left hand pane.
- Chain: Every technique has an associated red number, 0 through 9. This number determines which combat techniques can be played as once in an ascending or descending 'chain'. The chain number also represents the approximate distance you are narratively from your opponent.
- Contacts: Various people (or even businesses) that give you their contact information in the game, allowing you to talk to them regardless of your location. Many of these will give you quests or useful information.
- Crafting: Any of a number of methods of combining existing items to create new ones. Each craft allows you to create a different type of item, may use a slightly different method of crafting, and requires a tool or skill to use. So far, Armory, Chemistry, Coding, Electronics, and Sushi have been implemented.
- Duration: A measure of how much longer an effect will last. This number is displayed in parentheses after the name of the effect in the left-hand pane, and decrements by one for each energy you spend. For example, an effect with duration (30) will disappear after you spend 30 energy.
- Effects: Any of a large number of limited-duration modifiers. These can be obtained through food, drugs, neural recordings, opponents' attacks, encounters, and other ways. They frequently give one or more bonuses, but may also affect the game in other ways. They last for a limited duration (see above). The most notable and important effect in the game is undoubtedly Etheric.
- Energy: A measure of how many more actions you can do in a day. You can gain more energy by eating food, using drugs, and waiting for 'rollover' (midnight GMT), up to a maximum of 100.
- Encounters: The adventures in which your character participates. There are choice encounters, noncombat encounters and combat encounters.
- Hunger: A measure of your character's fullness. You can eat various foods to regain energy (or other effects) at the expense of hunger. You gain 10 hunger at 'rollover' (midnight GMT), up to a maximum of 40.
- Items: There are many things your character can find, though encounters or winning combats. Some can be worn, some can be consumed and some can be improved.
- Locations: All the different places which you can explore.
- Metros: The subway system that lets you move around Metroplex. There is initially not a lot of places you can go, but more unlock as you complete Quests. Costs 5 credits (or, if you don't have enough credits on hand, 1 Energy) per ride.
- No Trade: Items marked No Trade cannot be gifted or traded to other players.
- Opponents: Combat involves fighting one or more opponents. If you win, you get XP and possibly some new items or credits.
- Perception: This is one of your four main attributes. Perception helps determine the damage done by most ranged attacks, and increases the chance of items dropping.
- Quest Items: Quest items are permanently removed from your inventory when you use the beta reset option to start the game over; all other items are available again later. Quest items cannot be gifted or traded to other players.
- Reflexes: This is one of your four main attributes. Reflexes help with some evasion techniques, and running away from fights.
- Skills: Skills are special abilities your character gains throughout their life. They normally give small, permanent bonuses, although some are more complicated.
- Strength: This is one of your four main attributes. Strength helps determine melee damage and your HP.
- Techniques: These are the actions you can do in combat. You choose a 'deck' of 15 or more techniques to begin with, and each round in combat, you randomly draw up to five.
- Quests: If you talk to certain people, they will send you on quests to do something for them. Once you complete them, you are rewarded with items, credits or skills. Note that most quests in Metroplexity have multiple ways to finish them, and mutually exclusive rewards depending on how you completed them.
- XP: You can gain XP to increase each of your four attributes, through winning combats, other encounters or using certain items.
page revision: 21, last edited: 15 Jul 2016 22:28