
Basic Info and Benefits

A gang is a group of allied players who have gathered together, generally for gang warfare. Any player can pay a nominal fee to create a gang, choosing the desired name. Even if a gang member is not participating in gang warfare, they can still get numerous benefits depending on what's in the gang hideouts. They may also read a private gang message written (and alterable) by the leader(s).

Gang Ranks

The person who created the gang is automatically a gang leader, although any leader may promote someone else to the position. Leaders can perform any gang tasks: changing agendae, writing gang messages and descriptions, selling shipments, sending profit to the smuggler, purchasing hideout upgrades, and recruiting, promoting, demoting, kicking, whitelisting, and blacklisting anyone.

Beancounters are appointed by the leader(s). They can sell shipments, purchase hideout upgrades, and send profit to the smuggler. It is possible to be a beancounter and a recruiter at the same time. (Correct me if I'm wrong about any of this).

Recruiters are appointed by the leader(s). They can recruit other people into the gang, and whitelist or blacklist someone. It is possible to be a beancounter and a recruiter at the same time (Correct me if I'm wrong about any of this).

Ordinary members gain no benefit beyond the ability to participate in gang warfare and access to the hideout upgrades (and access the private gang message).

Gangs of Metroplexity

NB: the following pages are filled with subjective opinions and should not be taken as fact, unless someone says the Hounds of Hameln are amazing.

Hounds of Hameln
Jumbucks in a Tuckerbag
Ø (O)
Penguin Mafia
Solo Play
The Unified Association of Raconteurs, Vagabonds & other Assorted Ne'er Do Wells
The Blind Legion

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